*The number you have called is busy, please try again later*

I shake my head in disbelief once more and frantically tap her name on my screen again. 

*The number you have called is busy, please try again later*

''No, no, no'' I mutter under my breath. 

*The number you have called is busy, please try again later*

*The number you have called is busy, please try again later*

*The number you have called is busy, please try again later*

''No! You stupid bitch!'' I scream out of anger and hurl my phone down onto the floor. I see the bodyguards flick their heads over to look at me.

''Okay that's enough, lady, I'm sorry but if you don't leave immediately you will be escorted out of the building'' One of them sternly states. 

''You don't understand, it's my best friend, she bought me a backstage pass and then she took it off me and now I don't get to meet any of them and she's in there with her boytoy that doesn't even like One Direction and I-'' I am cut off by two tall men dragging me by the arms and pushing me out of the main door and into the cold. 

''Goddamnit!'' I scream, my arms flailing and fists flying out of frustration and hatred towards Kayla. I should've known I couldn't depend on her to take me out for a nice night seeing my favourite band. I should've known that she would pull some shit like this. I tug on my hair with my hands and I stomp my boots on the wet concrete. 

I hear something clatter on the floor next to me and turn around to see my phone on the floor and one of the bouncers walking back into the stadium. Did he just seriously throw my phone out?

''Thanks asshole!" I shout angrily, tears brimming in my eyes as I crouch down to pick up my phone. Small glass pieces flake off onto the floor and I am greeted with a smashed screen as I turn the phone around in my hand. 

''Please please please turn on'' I whisper under my breath as I press the side button. The screen stays completely black. I press it again, and again, and then I hold it in one last attempt to bring my phone to life. Great. It's broken. I stand up and toss my phone into my bag. I'll have to get it fixed later. 

I feel hot tears pouring down my face as I turn around to look up at the stadium. I am so hurt and exhausted. My one special night has been ruined by Kayla and my head flashes back to memories of me thinking the exact same thing at prom in 10th grade, when she 'accidentally' spilt punch allover my dress because it looked better than hers. 

I decide that it's time for me to stop being Kayla's punching bag, and ponder over my two options. 

I can wait for Kayla to come out of the stadium, get a ride back home and never speak to her again,

Or I can walk around in the dark, find a place to stay overnight and sort my life out in the morning. 

The first option sounds so much more appealing, but it gives Kayla the satisfaction of me depending on her yet again.

With that thought, I stomp off into the dark, beginning an adventure on my own. 



I sink back into the big leather recliner that sits in the corner of the backstage room. 

''That was... exhausting'' I groan and pull my curls over my eyes to stop the bright lights in the room from piercing my iris. My legs ache and my feet pulse in my boots. 

I feel a presence in front of me and a tap on my leg.

''Come on mate, let's get to the hotel'' Louis' voice rattles in front of me. I groan and shoo the guys away. I'm sick of this routine; concert, hotel, plane, meet fans, hotel, plane, concert. 

''Aren't you guys bored of this constant routine whilst we're on tour?'' I grumble, sitting up in my chair and pushing my curls back so they are no longer obtrusive to my vision. 

The guys are scattered around the room, Louis is stood in front of me, Niall is crouched on the floor and Liam is leaning against one of the walls. They all shake their heads in unison. 

''It's what keeps us going Harry, it's what pays your mama's bills'' Niall shrugs, chuckling at his own cheesy line. 

''Don't you want something different though? Something exciting? We just work! That's all we do, just work work work no play! No fun anymore!'' I try to spark some inspiration in the other guys but they are not having it. I throw my arms up into the air and shake my head, focusing my attention on a blank wall across the room which is a lot more exciting than Niall, Louis and Liam combined. 

''Come on you tortured poetic soul'' Liam coos, ''We've got a luxury hotel suite each waiting for us! The pain!!'' Liam holds his hands up to the light on the ceiling and shakes them in a very theatrical manner. I give him a sarcastic 'ha-ha' and he smiles before turning to leave the room. Niall follows. Louis is about to leave but stops in his tracks. He turns and offers me his hand. 

''I can get out of the recliner on my own thanks'' I growl, declining his friendly gesture. I don't move.

''Alright buddy, come on then'' He shrugs, not taking offence to my attitude as he is probably used to it by now. 

''No, tell them to leave without me, I'll meet you all at the hotel'' I mutter, stubborn to find something exciting to do. 

''Okay, Harry, see you around'' Louis mumbles and slinks out of the room to catch up to the other two. 

It's been like this ever since Zayn left us. The bond is dissolving and we can all feel it. We barely interact outside work hours anymore. 

I pull myself up off the chair before ruffling my tousled hair and exiting the dull room. 

Time to find my own adventure. 



Hey! It's me againnnn!! Just to let you guys know there's not really a schedule for updates I'm just gonna kinda write when I want to write so don't get disheartened!!

Thanks for reading everyone! I love that people like my work! 



- Hannah 

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