Not even a dead body. 

'I'm all alone?'

"you're never alone, I'm here." Someone says. 

I turn around seeing no one. I start shaking in my shoes, my fingers practically vibrating as I shove them in my jean pockets. 

"W-Who's there?"

"Percy. It's ok, it's me." 



This time when I whip around I come face to face with him. His eyes are raging red pits, four inch claws protuding from his fingertips. The blue veins stick out on his forehead, his bald scalf shining in an unknown light. His smile gleams, dispite the yellowish glow from his beer addiction. He pulls his hand back, winding up before letting it fly at my face. It crashes into my cheek full force, knocking me to the black tar road. Grit and gravel form into my back, making me gash my teeth together to hold in a scream. He steps onto me, his foot pressing hard into my stomach, making me groan. I lean over, vomiting onto the side of the ditch as he forces more of my lunch up my throat.

His hand goes over his head again, this time his fingers wrapped around the toe of her high heel. He starts forcing the heel into my back and hips, making little welts and scraps form. He takes out a knife, making slits across my back and spine. I scream openly now, not even attempting to hold it back, and I feel like I'm about to faint. 

"I'm right here Percy, please wake up."

I look up, seeing Toby standing in front of us with his hand outstreched to me. Forget what I said before, I want, I NEED them. I need Skylynn and Toby and My Aunt and Uncle and even Ricky. 

They can help me, through everything. 

Though I'm not so keen on being Toby's fake girlfriend. 

And I'm not so excited about talking to Ricky. 

But I'll do it. 


With a scream my eyes open and I'm starring at a blindly white room. 

Please say I'm not dead. 

Not when I finally want to live!

"Oh gosh Percy." Toby says from somewhere out of my sight range. 

He grabs my side in a hug, kissing my temple. I turn to him, somewhat dazed, cocking my head asking the unsaid question. 

What the heck? 

"I was so worried! I mean, I was driving to pick you up for our date and you were just collasped on the road!" 


He said I was his girlfriend. 

"Hey don't worry about me." I say with a wave of my hand. I yawn "How long was I out?" 

"Roughly 6 hours." A doctor says, walking to the end of my bed, , asking "Any nausea?"



Pff, my head was pounding but instead I just shake my head "Nope." 

"What's the last thing you remember?" 

"Uh... Toby calling, and asking me if I wanted to go to the movies. That was at..." I trail off. 

"A little after lunch." 

"And why do you think you passed out?" 

"Low blood sugar I guess, hadn't drank much ether now that I think about it." I answer after a second of thinking up an excuse. 

"And the welts on your back?" 

"Doctor..." Toby starts but I cut him off with another excuse. 

"I'm pretty athletic."-Lie-"I get scrapped quite a bit."-Truth-

The doctor nods, saying something about his son being on some sports team. 

"Cool." I reply though I wasn't really listening. 

He walks out of the room, leaving me and Toby alone, I turn to him "Why'd you tell them I was your girlfriend?" 

He shrugs slightly before answering "I thought if I was your 'boyfriend' they might let me see you, but no such luck cause only direct family was allowed." 

"Fine. We're Skylynn?" 

"She's out with my sister Sarah." Then he smiles "Sarah really wants to meet you." 

"Well bring em in!" I say with all the enthusiasm I can muster. 

He nods, waling out of the room, leaving me starring at the ceiling until they come back in. 

"Ugh Baby! You gave us a scare!" Sky shouts, giving me a rapid hug, squishing the life out of me. 

I wince and she appoligizes, releasing me so I can look at the girl huggin Toby's side. 

"So your Sarah." I ask her. 

She nods. 

"I don't bite you know."

"I know, I don't want to hurt you." 

Aww she's so sweet! 

"It's alright, come up here!" I say, patting the edge of my hospital bed. 

She smiles, clambering up and positioning her tiny body next to my legs. 

"So how old are you?" I ask her, deciding to play 20 questions. 


"What's your favorite animal?"

"A cheetah, I'm dressing up as one for my costume party!" 

"Really, that's so cool!"

"Yeah my brother is going to be a leprcaun!" 

I look up at Toby, slightly amused. 

"I told you Sarah! I'm not being a leprcaun! I'm a tiger! RAWR!" Toby whines. 

"But I'm already a cheetah!" 







"Oh be quiet Toby! You'll be a cute leprcaun." I joke



Hey guys!

How are all ya'll?

Did anyone else have there first day of school today [Sept 2]? Did anyone die? Anyone enjoy school? So far, today was all just sylabuses, how do you spell that? Anyways, my school isn't all that bad, it's pretty fun and my classes are spread out really well so I'm happy!





Anyways I hope you're having a good day! 

See ya suckers! 


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