awaken the energy to find the truth

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As you are reading this, notice that there is an 'aura', an energy within us which is hard to describe, it feels like a fullness, but it is not physical or your thoughts. If we are aware of this energy, we will be pursuing our daily lives with it and will slowly understand life itself. It not that we have to find this energy by carrying out different tasks, it is that we have to simply be aware that we already have it with or without stimulants. This energy is not generated by certain activities, but the energy generates life as a whole and your actions in it. You simply have to awaken the energy, and once you do everything around you will turn into this energy, you will feel nothing but life. So how do we awaken and realise what this energy is? Simply breathe. We are breathing subconsciously daily, but if you take a moment to sit and think about how you are breathing you will feel the energy I am attempting to describe to you. Sit with your legs crossed and your back upright, close your eyes and feel your lungs expand with the oxygen, feel the oxygen diffuse through the lung walls into your blood stream, feel your blood become energised, your brain clearer, a sudden rush of feeling. Then when you exhale, feel your body change, feel it seep out of your nose and mouth, that energy you are now left with is the energy I am talking to you about. It is powerful. And that is why most people are living blindly, because they aren't awake to reality, they haven't awakened their mind to the true meaning of life. And this energy is the meaning of life, it is your meaning of life. If you find it, only tell people how to find the meaning of life, not what the meaning of life actually is.

thankyou so much for reading, I hope it makes sense. Please leave comments :)

to be continued... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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