Chapter 15

14 1 1

Natsu's POV

"Raiun, I needa talk to ya."

"W-What do you want?"

"I don't want you to touch Kaiyo."


"You kissed her yesterday, desho?" I said, anger boiling up in my stomach.

"B-But that was just on the cheek! And I meant it as a peace offering! Honest!" He said in a shaky voice. Poor kid, he was on Mira's list. Matchmaking list.

"Alright. Just promise not to do it again."

"H-HAI!" And he scrambled off.

I sighed as I sat with Lucy.

"What's bothering you, Natsu?" Lucy questioned, feeling my mood swing.

"Lucy, I just feel that Kaiyo is growing up too fast."

"WHAT? The great Natsu Dragneel has finally thought about his child!" Lucy dramatically said. Complete with hand over heart.

"Shut up, Luce."

"Hai, hai."

THAT IS THE CHAPTER FOLKS/PEEPS! Minaaaaaaaa, I would like to dedicate this chap to AbyssHunter aka Deva for voting so many times! I love your encouragement and ill be sure to keep uploading! 

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