w a r n i n g

608 44 19

save literature.
eliminate wattpad virus.


i will say everything i fucking want,  especially if your story is trash.

but mind you, unlike those self-proclaimed, unprofessional critics swarming around wattpad, i won't find faults on your craft just for the sake of finding faults.

no, no honey. i will only say the truth and will never point out what other "critics" say were mistakes when in fact it is just appropriate for your story.

and of course if i find your work interesting, i'll applaud you for that. your book will automatically be added on my reading list.

one more thing. i don't want to read comments saying i'm too harsh or feeling perfect, blah blah blah. don't pull that shit on me. this critique shop is not for the weak.

now, would you still like to have your work critiqued?

excellent! proceed to the next chapter for the rules.

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