I clamp my hands into fists when he dips his head down, pressing his lips to my jaw and starts a slow trail to my neck as he speaks "But I'm stupid too, thinking I could stay away from you, that I didn't want you the way I do, I'm obsessed with you - what you do to me, even if I don't understand it"

My nerves are firing over my entire body, and I bite down on my cheek to stop the noises wanting to escape me, his words and the tone of his voice feels like they're being soaked into my skin as he says them.

He moves his lips to the other side of my neck, continuing his hushed gravel toned speech against my skin in between slow open mouthed kisses that has me wishing I could squeeze my legs together, but he's between them and it's torturous.

He always has me feeling like I'm being whipped back and forth and upside down, never knowing what to expect and the anticipation is killing me.

"Never wanted something more in my entire life, never had a habit consume me as much as you"

He has me feeling dizzy again, I'm trying to comprehend what he's saying, but the tension rolling off of him is making my pulse ring in my ears.

His demeanour flips quickly again, his voice softening as he leans his lips to my ear "Can I keep you?"

I think my insides just exploded and melted at the same time, I'd give up everything I owned to be able to repeat that moment forever. Even though I'm not entirely sure what he means by that, what that means for us - if there is an us, but all I know is he's had me this whole time whether he knew it or not.

I can only manage to nod, completely crippled between the emotions raging inside of me and the sensations he has tingling over every part of me.

Words. English. Never heard of them.

I feel him smile against my ear before he lifts his face to look down at me, it's bizarre to see his eyes so dark and lit up at the same time.

I have no idea what was going through god's head when he decided to create this man, how he ever expected anyone to be able to think straight or survive around him, he's a sinner with the face of a saint and I'm possessed.

He leans his face down to peck my lips, smiling still "My Abby"

It took everything in me to not wheeze out the sound of my heart being choked, I have to be dreaming again.

I feel like I'm about to hyperventilate with everything that's leaving his mouth right now, things I never thought I'd hear him say and now that I've heard it I don't know how I'll ever want to hear anything else.

I'm his Abby, in what way exactly I don't know but I can't find myself caring, at this point that's all I need.

I push the thought that enters my mind away as quickly as it comes, when the urge to ask him if I get to keep him too flashes in front of me, I'm not ready for his answer to that.

As fucked up as it seems I know he has me, more than I have him, the difference is I'd never disappear and there's that fear in me that he still could.

I don't think I could ever hurt him in the way that he could hurt me, destroy me by leaving again, I don't think he'd ever let someone have that power over him.

I'll still take whatever I can get from him, I'll take his crumbs and call them a cake.

He kisses me slowly, releasing my wrists as he drags his hands down my forearms, going down my shoulders and my waist until he reaches the material of his shirt bunched at my hips.

My breathing shallows as he starts to push it upwards, only breaking the kiss to pull it over my head and arms quickly and throwing it aimlessly before connecting his lips back against my own.

His warm hands go everywhere at once, smoothing and palming over every part of newly exposed skin and every touch swirls that same burning inside of me that I always have for him.

He wraps his large hand around the underside of my jaw, holding it firmly as he pulls his face back, again switching like the crack of a whip from soft to sinister with that hungry flash behind his lidded eyes.

"I can't tell you how I feel, I don't know how to" he admits, running his tongue along his swollen lower lip as he traces a sensuous look over my features.

The air the room feels heavy again, like it weighs a thousand bricks and I want to sink further back against the bed to relieve some of the pressure around us.

He's staring at me like he wants to devour me and pick the remnants from his teeth with my bones, and it feels like someone is twisting my insides and wringing them out like a damp wash cloth over it.

I don't know if I'm breathing, how do you breathe again?

He tenses his fingers around my jaw, moving his free hand to tickle down to the fleshy area where my hip meets my behind and squeezes roughly, before dragging his blunt nails up the back of my thigh.

"But I wanna show you" he states lowly, the promise I'm his voice washing over my whole body.

He leans his face closer, keeping my eyes gripped on his like a vice, even with how overpowering it is I couldn't look away it I wanted to.

"I wanna make you feel as good as you make me feel on the inside, show you how crazy you make me"

I swallow harshly, my mouth feeling like I haven't had a drop of water in years, like all the moisture in my body has pooled in a heat between my legs.

His own breathing starts getting heavier as he hovers his lips above mine "Can I do that for you baby? Can you let me do that?"

How the fuck does he expect me to answer questions right now?!

You can't just melt my fucking brain and then expect answers from it!

My heart hitches in my throat as I try and gulp it back down, nodding before I realise that's what I'm doing and he squeezes my jaw, keeping it firmly in place, and smacks his hand against the side of the thigh causing me to jolt as my eyes snap wider.

"Yes or no, you're going to need to use your words for this" he demands lowly.

"Yes" I reply with my voice tight, the words having the be squeezed out of my vocal chords.

"That's my good girl, this is going to be just about you" he purrs, nipping at my lower lip as he smooths his hand soothingly over the burning area it connected with some sharply earlier.

He releases my jaw, taking his hands under my thighs to wrap them around his hips, before snatching my wrists and pinning them above my head abruptly with one hand as the other smooths my hair away from my face.

The contrast between the forceful and gentle actions he's doing are setting my blood on fire.

The thick and deep husk to his voice when he talks next has every muscle in my body tensing in agonising anticipation, it's so low and sinister I felt it in my bones.

"I'm gonna make that body of yours sing for me Abby, until you can't stop screaming for me"



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