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And who exactly will tie bell on the cat's neck?? Oh it was coz the Mr. Punctual Arnav Singh Raizada is still sleeping perhaps and time is late morning 9:30!

"Billi!! no no Anjali bitiya, Arnav bitwa isn't any cat he is a lion. Can't you see his middle name is Singh!"- Mami find hell out of logic.

  "No, Nannav is a robot whose program runs on what the programme . Lets go and knock his door, you will hear his cursing word!"-NK was challenging with confidence.

They passed the stairs and the narrow passage to reach a glass door and stilt a minute before NK raised his hands to knock the door.

No one opened the door. Anjali pushed it slightly and the door glided to a side revealing an empty room.
  All rolled their eyes at poor NK and his confidence was gone flying.

"Who kidnapped my Arnav Bitwa with his wife!!"- Mami sat crying.

"Why will someone do that maate?"- Aakash asked. There are no reason. Besides no one will dare kidnapping him.

"Why are you crying Mamiji?"- It was she, Khushi said with a confusing frown on her forehead.

"Were you sleeping till this late??"-  Payal fired her a question.

"What! jiji. I left bed at five. Sharp five! suna aapne"- Khushi fought.

Huh! She wished every goodness for jiji and she is scolding her! khushi pouted.

"Where is Chhotey??"- Anjali asked.

"Watering his plants. He have amazing rose plants,creepers and cactus. I loved all those!"- She said chirping.

Arnav Singh Raizada smiled. He knew they will come knocking so only he tricked Khushi with his small garden.

"Chhotey! very bad"- Shyam complained.

He was amused. If this news reach AR, the workers there will be send to asylum.

"Good morning everyone! You all have no idea that our not so favourite yet most wanted ASR has committed a mistake and invited everyone to join in his happiness today evening for a reception party.

A murmur spread its wings...

"Arre nothing much guys. ASR the lion got a wife to tame his anger. Have fun everyone coz I think we won't have to stay in fear anymore of ASR and his anger"- Aman climbed on a table declaring his thoughts folding a file like a mike.

"Aman Mathur!"- Poor boy heard his name and when he opened his eyes, it was ASR in front of him.

"Who comes to office the next day after their marriage!"- Aman muttered.

Arnav just raised his one eyebrow folding his arms across chest.

"I am afraid of such stunt that I can't perform like your brow is high now"- Aman said truth. He and his unique ways!

And the others were like good fellows working obediently for their boss!

"Everyone stop faking guys. I won't eat you all. As you all are family, I thought to invite you all personally to the party. Do come"- His next few words was of utter surprise. They all were in wonderland.

Finally he is no more a saint. A married man,happily.    

"And our sweet shy Aakash sir to got one for himself"- Aman again started his funny speech.

"Take care of everything here!'- ASR ordered Aman who was ready to obey.

And the workaholic left his office that day without working. Khushi is new here and she came leaving her everything just for him swelled his heart with warmth. He should be with her, His responsibility laden with pleasure.

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