Falling For You

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So, we're tryna be authentic and everything. So, we're using Japanese measurements for shoe sizes. So, sorry if it is kinda confusing. However, we are lazy when it comes to our ball measurements, (cause I don't know how they measure their bowling ball sizes in Japan... and, we're lazy). So, those are done like normal. Now, without further ado, please enjoy today's Chapter!!



There is no way that this was all a ruse! She didn't just leave me here!! Was all this fake? I don't even think they won a stupid contest!! What am I going to do??

I look over at Todoroki. He's sitting down in a chair by one of the tables. He seems kinda lost in thought. Oh right! I haven't told him about what Ashido did... Man, how's he gonna react? I see him look up at me. He gives me a relaxed half-smile and waves a small, slow wave at me.

Should I even tell him? He might wanna leave... I don't know what I should do... I look back over and see Todoroki looking up at the ceiling. No... I've gotta play this! Otherwise, we're never gonna move on our own. If I want a relationship with him, I've got to be flexible with situations like this; I can't just awkwardly shrug it off and go home... no matter how much I want to...

We make eye contact.

"Who're the balloons from?" He says. His voice is kinda raspy since he hasn't said anything a little while.

"They're from... they're from Ashido" He gives me a puzzled look. "She's wishing us good luck on our date." I feel my heart jump into my throat. How is he gonna respond to this?

"How thoughtful." He mumbles.

"So... why don't we go and get our shoes, then? I'd hate for her good wishes to go to waste..." I say as my cheeks become warmer.

"Shoes? We're already wearing them." He says as he gives me a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? We've gotta get our bowling shoes."

"Oh, okay." He says. He looks kinda lost.

We leave the party room and we walk over to the counter.

"Excuse me," I see the teenager look up begrudgingly from his magazine. "Can we have our shoes?"

"Sure. What size?"

I turn my attention over to Todoroki.

"What's your shoe size?"

"Uh..." I see him pick up his foot and turn it so he can see the bottom of his shoe. "Size 29."

"Okay. He's a size 29 and I'm size 25 ½"

"Comin' right up, lovebirds." I blush and Todoroki notices me. He smiles at me and blushes, too. We see Tsuchiko come back holding two pairs of bowling shoes. I go to grab them and see him retract his hand. "Ahem. I'll take your shoes, first. It's a policy here. We gotta make sure people don't steal 'em."

I look over at Todoroki. He seems really lost.

"Take your shoes off," I say. He seems confused but does as he was told. I see him pull his shoes off and hand them to me. I grab his shoes and pull off my own. I hear him give out a small chuckle as I stumble a little. I give the employee our shoes and, in exchange, he hands me the bowling shoes. I find the pair that says "29" on them and hand them to Todoroki. He finally speaks up.

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