Nicknames (All)

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Isaac: Scarf Man, Giant, Curly. Scarf Man, because of his obssesion with scarfs, he has one for everyday and in different colors. His height, he is way taller than you, you need him sometimes to kneel a little for you to hug him properly and kiss him too, and he laughts at you for been small. His hair, you love it and always mess with him, one time he decided to cut it, he was glad that you will not be able to mess more, you did a sad face and and didn't spoke to him that day.

Scott: Puppy Eyes, Teen Wolf, Lover Boy. He always does this puppy eyes when he is with you, he is very sweet and patitent with you, he really loves you. Teen Wolf, You have use that nickname since he was bit, you now he is a good person and a good werewolf, but since he did wolf noise to call for his "alpha" back at the school, you waited outside with Derek and that happened, you call him Teen Wolf since.

Stiles: Batman, Sherlock, Robin. Stilinski. Batman when he is your hereo or when he is not in the best of the moods specially when he is sad or tired. Sherlock, because he is the one who solves everything. Robin, when you want to mess with him, when he is sarcastic with you, or when you are mad at him. Stilisnki, it's his last name, you use it when you are really angry or mad at him, or when he does a joke or a prank to you.

Derek: Sour Wolf, Master, Mr. Obvious. Sour Wolf, you stole that nickname from Stiles, you both use it when Derek is moddy. Master, he is your alpha, but he sometimes gets bossy, so you respond him "Yes Master." Mr. Obvious, he always makes statements that are way to obvious, he is sweet but you are just sarcastic as Stiles, so you say "Yeah Mr.Obvious".

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