Addison Montgomery

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"I was right! I knew this is your locker" He smile.

"gee! Wow! Impressive! I don't know what to say" I chuckle.

"come on! You should be proud of me" He winks at me.

"Hey Zabdiel!" I turn around and see Denise smiling at Zabdiel.

"Hey" Zabdiel smile at her.

"What are you doing here??" I ask her.
"what's with the tone of your voice fag??" She smiles.

"what's with that last season dress bitch wannabe??" I smile back at her.

"anyways I'm free later! If you wanna join me, I'll be waiting at your car" She smile.

Zabdiel just stare at her and smile.

"call me" she winks

I put my books on my bag and shut the door loudly.

"are you okay?? You look upset??" Zabdiel ask.

I don't know am I upset?? I think not! I just want to go on a killing spree that's it!

"I'm fine Zabdiel go talk to your girlfriend" I roll my eyes as I walk pass him.

"girlfriend?? I don't have a girlfriend!" Zabdiel talks as he follows me.

"yes you do! It's Denise remember??" I raise my voice and people were staring at us.

"she's not my girlfriend!! Can you please calm down!!" He stares at me.

"leave me alone please" I roll my eyes and walk away from him.

"wait! Addison!" He calls out my name but I ignore him.

I run as fast as I could when I suddenly bump into someone.

"ouch! Sorry! Are you okay??" He asks.

I nod and smile at him.

Suddenly someone push me so hard that I fall towards the floor.

"Watch it fag!!" The guy smile.

It's the same guy who always push me on the hallways and the same guy who almost killed me.

"Quintin!! Seriously??!!" The guy that I bumped into raise his voice.

"I'm fine!" I smile.

"are you sure??" He asks.

I nod and smile at him.

"okay!" He smiles.

I run as fast as I could and then I burst into tears.

I don't know why. I just feel upset, betrayed and jealous.

Oh my gosh I'm jealous!

But why??

Why do I feel this way when I have no right to be??

I get inside the restroom and get inside an empty cubicle and cry my heart out.

I have so many questions.

Why are we fond of loving someone who can't love us in return??

It's useless!! We're basically wasting our emotions for nonsense things.

But we can't help it can't we?? We can never dictate our hearts whom to love.

Who would have thought I'd fall in love with my bully?

Well he used to be.

Suddenly someone knock on my cubicle door.

"Addison?? Are you there??" He asks.

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