Scene 8

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Slowly, I opened my eyes. I found myself in a bed.

Jungkook's bed.

I looked over to find the sleeping boy next to me. He was holding a little bundle of the blanket that was covering him. He had small tints of blush on his cheeks from sleeping. I carefully leaned over and moved hair out of his face. Slowly, he opened his eyes to look at me. "Did I wake you?"

"No, I've been awake..." He said quietly. Then he nuzzled his face into the bundle of blankets. "Can we go out?" I asked. He opened his eyes up. "Why?"

"I promised my friends I would get them something yesterday and I didn't go so."

He watched me carefully. "We can do that." He responded softly. Slowly, he sat up, rubbing his eyes. His hair was super messy from sleep. I chuckled a little as he looked over at me. "What...?" He asked. "Your hair is messy." I said. He looked away a little as he rubbed his eye. "Let's get dressed." He said softly. I nodded and got up. I noticed he had no shirt on. To be honest, I don't remember any of what happened after the bath.

"What happened last night?"

He looked at me. "You pretty much fell asleep in the tub. I got you dressed and carried you to my bed." He said. I sighed, relieved a little. "Alright. You, didn't do anything right?" I asked. He shook his head. "I didn't do anything, I promise." He told me as he started getting dressed. He put clothes for me on the bed as I started getting dressed. I put the face mask on once I was done and looked at him.

"Ready?" I asked. He put a hat on. "Yeah. Let's go." He said. I nodded and started after him. Once we got past the guards without showing Jungkook's face, we started off to the store. "Can I ask you something?"

He glanced at me. "What is it?"

"Do you, still want me to call you Jungkook...?"

He stared at me before he sighed softly. "Only when we're alone...I don't want anyone to find out who I am..." He said quietly. I slowly nodded. "I understand." He said. Carefully, he grabbed my hand. We stayed silent for a while before I spoke again. "I want to know more about you."

He looked at me. "Why?" He asked. "Why not?" I answered. He stared at me before he looked down. "I was born 2197, I lived in Busan for most of my life before the apartment building was blown up." He started off. "After I went missing, I left to go to Masan."

"How old were you?" I asked suddenly. He looked up a little. "11, I think." He said. My eyes widened. "You walked that far by yourself? That's easily almost 55 km." I said. He sighed softly. "Yep." He answered. "Why did you do that?"

"I needed to get away from the big city of Busan. From all the chances of being caught..." He said quietly. "Caught..?"

He slowly looked over at me. "I was the one who started the fire in the building."


I walked back into the room where all the hostages were. I immediately spotted Jimin talking with Hoseok and Yoongi. Jimin heard the door open and turned his head. His eyes widened and he smiled brightly. "Tae! You're ok!" He said happily. I smiled as well. I haven't seen Jimin smile like that in months...

"Jin, I got the medicine." I called out as I walked over to Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi. Yoongi, of course, was snuggled up close to Hoseok as if he was his life support. I sat down next to Jimin and the older boy immediately embraced me. I chuckled at him. "I'm ok Hyung, I promise." I said as I ruffled his hair. "I got so worried he hurt you!" The small boy said. Hoseok watched us. "We all got extremely worried."

I looked at them as Yoongi stared at me, slightly shy. "He asked me to stay the night with him. That's all, I promise." I said. Jimin looked at me, still worried. Slowly, he just held me in his arms. "How do your legs feel?" I asked him as Seokjin came over to me. "Better, actually. They don't hurt as much." He said, looking at the braces. I smiled and ruffled his hair. "Good."

"Roll your pant leg up. And lay on your stomach." Seokjin instructed me. I did as he told me to do and sighed. He grabbed the disinfectant and started cleaning the wound. I flinched a little bit Jimin moved his fingers through my hair to keep me calm. "It seems to have healed ok. It's infected though." Seokjin said. I sighed as he started to wrap it in gauze he had.

Once he was done, he rolled my pants legs down. I sat up and leaned against Jimin slightly. "You guys doing ok?" I asked them. Hoseok slowly nodded as he held Yoongi close. The smaller boy was, as per usual, playing with Hoseok's sleeve. "Yoongi?" I called out softly. The boy slowly looked up at me. "You ok?" I asked. He stared at me for a second before giving me his tiny little nod again.

I smiled a little. "You hungry?" I asked. Slowly, he nodded like before. I nodded. "I'll be back in a second." I said as I stood up. I walked over to where Jimin and I usually stay and grabbed a package of chips. I walked back over and handed it to him. "Here." I said quietly. He carefully took it, opened it, and started eating. I smiled, content before leaning back slightly.

I started to realize how many of us were left. I counted to find only 32 of us. In the month I have been here, we've lost 35 people, gaining 4. I sighed and pulled my knees to my chest.


I walked back and forth, pacing. Jungkook hadn't come and get me in over a week. Usually he gets me everyday. For some reason, that worried me. "Taehyung? Are you ok?" I heard Jimin ask. I looked over at him. "Yeah, I'm ok." I answered. Suddenly the door slammed open. Bunny came in and threw a girl in by her hair before shooting her. My eyes widened and I quickly ran to him.

"Bunny stop!!"

He glared up at me. Even though he had his mask on, I knew he was pissed. "Get the fuck off me Taehyung..." He growled. My eyes widened as I slowly let go of him. Suddenly, he raised his gun towards Hoseok. "HOBI!!"

The gun went off and Hoseok was pushed to the ground. In his place was Yoongi, being hit in the shoulder.

My eyes widened as Yoongi fell to the floor, his shoulder bleeding badly. "Y-Yoongi!!" Hoseok yelled and quickly ran to him. Jungkook stared at the fallen boy before he disappeared back into the hallway, the door slamming shut. I quickly ran to Yoongi as well.

"Take his jacket and shirt off! I'll get something to stop the bleeding!" Seokjin yelled out. I did as he said to and started to put pressure on his wound once his top half was exposed. He was breathing heavily as he closed his eyes tightly. "Hang in there Hyung. It's gonna be ok." Hoseok said as he squeezed his hand, moving his hair out of his face.

Seokjin came over with the disinfectants I gave him and some gauze from my leg. "Someone use your jacket to put pressure on it." He said. Immediately, Hoseok took his jacket off and pressed it against the wound. Hoseok slowly backed away as he watched Seokjin do his work. His breaths were quick as he watched in fear. I got up and immediately went over to comfort him.

He quickly engulfed me into his arms. I felt his tears start to spill as he hid his face in my shoulder. I held him close as I kept his gaze away from Yoongi and Seokjin. He held onto me for the next hour or so. Other people came over to help Seokjin out. Jimin started to comfort Hoseok as I helped with Seokjin. "Why would he attempt to shoot Hoseok...?" Seokjin asked.

"I-I don't know. I don't know why he's so
mad..." I said quietly. He looked at me. "You need to talk to him." He said. I glanced at him. "What?"

"Talk to him. He listens to you."

My eyes widened a little. "Listens to me? How?"

"You buy all the food we get. He gives you the money to get the food." He said. I glanced over at Hoseok and Jimin before looking around at everyone. "You're the only one who can change his mind..." He said quietly. I looked at him before sighing quietly. "I'll try."

"Thank you. Go now, I'll look after Yoongi here." He said. I nodded as I stood up. I walked to the door to go out. "I want to go to Bunny." I told the guard. Slowly and hesitantly, the guard let me past. I walked to Jungkook's room and lightly knocked on the door. "Jungkook...?" I asked softly. I didn't hear an answer.

"It's me. Taehyung."

Slowly, the door opened. Jungkook stood there in front of me. His hair was a mes, his skin on his face and neck red. I looked behind him to find his entire room a mess. "What happened...?" I asked. He looked at me before carefully pulling me inside. I stared at him as he slowly pulled me into his arms. "Jungkook...?"

"I want to cry so badly Taehyung....But I can't..."

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