Scene 3

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It's been a few days since The Bunny kidnapped me. The new guy, Hoseok has been super quiet since he was thrown in. Jimin has been quiet too, but he's also been here the longest. I looked at the two of them before looking at my legs. The bullet hole on my right leg was starting to heal, but it still hurt to walk. I glanced over at Jimin as he slept on my shoulder. His legs were still broken but he was starting to be able to move.

He was incredibly skinny, if he wasn't skinny from before. I too was starting to loose weight from no food. I looked at Hoseok as he played with one of the rings on his finger. I carefully got up and crawled over to him. "You ok?"

He looked at me and slowly nodded his head. "Y-Yeah..." He said, looking down back at the ring. I looked at the ring as well. "What's that?" I asked, sitting next to him. He looked at the ring as he pressed his back against the wall. "I-It's my father's ring. He gave it to me as a child when he went off in the army. I haven't seen him since..." He said quietly.

"I-I'm sorry."

"I-It's ok." He said quietly. I looked back at him. "Did, did you think he was real...? You know, Bunny?" I asked suddenly. He looked over at me again. "Yeah, I did. He killed my friend..." He said quietly. I looked st him. "Who?"

"Kim Yugyeom."

"I've heard of him. I'm really sorry." I said again. He sighed and put his head on his knees. "I just don't want to be next...." He cried out. I could hear the tears hit the concrete floor. I slowly and carefully wrapped an arm around him. "You won't be next, I promise.." I said quietly. He looked at me. "Why are you being nice to me...?" He asked.

I looked at him as I sighed softly. "Because all of us are in a similar situation. None of us know if we're the next to die or if we'll ever see our families again." I said softly. "But I want to make sure you guys are let free." I said. He looked at me before closing his eyes. He rested his head on my shoulder as he let out a shaky sigh. "Don't worry. You'll be ok, I promise." I whispered.

Suddenly, the door slammed open. Soon, screams filled the room, followed by a few gunshots. "Who's next??" I heard him yell. I looked up to see the Bunny, seeing a gun pointed towards people. I felt someone grab my hand. I turned to see Jimin, wide awake now as he squeezed my hand shakily. I felt eyes on me and turned to see Bunny looking straight at me. I let out a shaky breath as I scooted away slightly.

Then he started walking towards me. I scooted away more as Jimin hid his face in my shoulder. "Well well well, little ol' Mr. Protector. Protecting his two boyfriends." He teased. I could practically feel him smirk. "Get the hell away..." I growled as I stared at him. He tilted his head. Suddenly, I saw him point the gun towards us, towards Jimin. "What was that?"

My eyes widened as Jimin let out shaky, quickly breaths. "NO!!" I yelled as I quickly got in front of him. I grabbed his hand tightly as I stared at Bunny. Slowly, he lowered the gun. "That's better." He said. Suddenly, he pointed the gun at one of the other people and pulled the trigger. Some screamed as I felt Hoseok get behind me, Jimin tightly squeezing my arm in complete fear. "Don't pull that shit again." He said to me before he walked out. I looked over to where he shot.

It was an old man, a bullet hole in the middle of his forehead. I heard Jimin's breathing pick up as I quickly turned to him. "Hey, hey breathe." I said as I quickly took his hands. "Look at me, look at me." I kept repeating as I tried to calm him down. He was crying as he kept breathing heavily. "We're next,
....we're next." He kept repeating as he cried.

I quickly pulled him into my arms. "No, no we're not next. I promise you were not-"

"How do you know?? How do you know we're not next??" Jimin suddenly yelled. I stared at him, slightly surprised. He kept crying before he quickly wiped his eyes. "Jimin..." I said quietly. He looked back at me and quickly hugged me again. "Don't leave me..." He cried out. I held him close, pulling him into my lap. "I won't. I won't." I told him. I glanced over at Hoseok. He too was crying as he stared at the ground. His breath was shaky as he tried calming himself.


He glanced over at me. "It's gonna be ok." I told him. He stared at me before shakily nodding his head. Suddenly, the door swung open. "Eat up you fucking pigs." One of the guards growled as he threw out some food. People scrambled to get to the food before anyone else. I saw Jimin shakily look over at them. "Stay here." I said. He carefully put him down and went over to get some food. I managed to get a couple little pieces of bread.

I crawled back over to them and handed both Hoseok and Jimin a piece of bread. "Here. You guys need to eat." I said. Hoseok looked st me. "What about you?" He asked. Jimin tore his bread in half and started to hand me a piece. "No Jimin. You need it more then I do." I said. "B-But-"

"Jimin please." I interrupted. He stared at me before he looked down, slowly taking a bite of the bread, Hoseok doing the same. I sat back and watched them carefully. I felt myself dozing off but quickly woke myself up. Jimin looked at me. "Hey, get some sleep. You haven't slept in days.." He said quietly. I looked at him. "I-I'm fine." I said. He shook his head and patted his leg. "No seriously, get some sleep." He said again.

I looked at him before nodding. I laid my head onto his thigh before closing my eyes. He covered me with my jacket as I sighed. "Get some rest."

I sighed softly again before I felt slumber take over my body completely.

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