‘’That’s a lot of work,’’ she observed.

                ‘’Indeed. But, it’s enjoyable for both the horse and you. Storm likes to be petted and have clean coat, it helps him get beautiful mare.’’ May chortled, shaking her head.

                ‘’I don’t doubt it. Who rides him?’’

                ‘’Darius. Andrew is too scared and I am not interested, too tired after the grooming. Come on, we better start or we won’t finish until nightfall.’’ Waverly took May’s forearm and steered her to Storm who patiently waited, shifting on his feet. He neighed at May.

                ‘’Easy there, Storm. She wants to pet you, not hurt you.’’ His eyes were unfocused, clouded. Waverly took the first comb and rubbed against his coat, going in small circles. May observed how it calmed him down, he lowered his head and stood motionless.

                ‘’You try. Don’t rub near bones or face, it’s too sensitive.’’ May nodded and took the comb, imitating her motion. She placed her hand on his back, her body slightly angled. His soft heartbeat thumped against her hand, soothing. Waverly did her magic with the next brush on places May had already passed. They worked in unison, quietly enjoying the work. May asked her questions, half of what Waverly had said forgotten. She didn’t mind answering all over again, just the opposite.

                Storm didn’t move at all, pleased to be in center of attention.

                ‘’Why are other stalls empty?’’

                ‘’Some horses are outside, or with their owners. This is like a home, shelter when it’s raining or snowing. Horses are similar to us in more ways than one, such brave and kind animals.’’

                ‘’I hate to see them die in battles. Warriors die too, but poor horses have no choice, we act like they are our servants.’’ May frowned, shifting on her foot.

                ‘’I feel the same. Now that you’ve grown, I find so much Rosalie in you. You’d make a great leader.’’ Waverly smiled at her, standing on the other side of the horse. May lowered her gaze, frowning.

                ‘’I wish I were like Rose. I’d never have enough courage to do what she’d done for me. Who knows where I would end if it weren’t for her. My life has been saved twice, first Alexander and now Rosalie.’’

                ‘’They did it because they wanted to, you don’t own them a thing. I don’t know whether Rosalie will come back, but you can count on me. I and Darius will always be here for you, even if you decide to leave Vilburn.’’ May snorted, her hand gripping the sponge. Water seeped to the floor.

                ‘’Where would I go? To Alexander?’’ She huffed.

                ‘’What about Lukas? He wants to stay here?’’ Waverly had a strong feeling May and Lukas belonged together. They were happy and satisfied in each other’s embrace, fought rarely and spent a lot of time together, even in the hardest moments. Lukas was the first to soothe her after Rosalie left.

                ‘’I’m not sure, we haven’t talked about it yet. His mother asked us about marriage, but I’m not sure if I’m ready. You and Darius have been together for years, yet you’re still not wed.’’ She squeezed the sponge and gently ran it down Storm’s face.

                ‘’We will be, we’re only waiting for a perfect moment. If you love him and want to spend every single moment with him until you die… you won’t make a mistake by being his wife.’’

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