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Chapter fifty

Lavi's POV


I waited in anguish with blood rushing through my veins as I held my head between the palm of my hands.

This is all my fault!

If only I had gone on my own to meet her father during the weekend just like I had planned. None of these would be happening.

Dad made sure to ruin my chances of leaving the house as he kept sending me on endless errant.

Thirty minutes later,I was totally drained of whatever patience I have left just waiting for her in the classroom to show up.

Just when I was about to grab my bag and head out; I noticed a shadow by the door way as she stood with a half smile spread across her face.

I gasped for air as I stared back at her with every anger evaporating off me like a steam of hot air.

My breath of fresh air and also the one carrying my unborn child.

Sweet Jesus!

"Hey!" Her voice barely audible

"Hey!" Smiling at her.

I covered the distance to where she stood in a few stride before pulling her into a tight hug and breathing out the breath I didn't know I was holding in.


"I need to talk to you about something" pulling away from me

Tucking some loose strands of hair away from her face. I trace a line along her cheek as she blushed at me before looking at the floor.

"I know princess; how're you doing? I Couldn't speak to you all weekend and I was worried. Are you okay?" Glancing at her belly.

"I'm okay" she smiled back in return

"And the baby?"

"Fine as well but we need to talk about the baby" she look nervous pulling me towards the desk across the empty class room and I can only imagine why.

"I already know what you want to tell me K. I only need you to tell me why?" Studying her closely and praying silently to God for her not to lie to me about obi's claim on our baby or I will freaking lose it!

She bite down at her bottom lip as she stared back at me.

"After I almost lost my baby last week, I had to do something to save it..." Pacing around in circle.... " and Obi had afford me the help I needed even though i didn't ask for it and after giving it much thought; I had to take it.." She gave a short pause as she stared back at me with regret in her eyes...."I tried to talk to you before now but your number was turned off and I couldn't" she explained calmly.

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