little girl.

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a little girl with pigtails
and two front teeth missing.
sitting in the hallway, swinging
her legs back and forth waiting
to be picked up. her heart in her
hands, no care in the world.
anxious to get home, to bake
something from her easy-bake oven,
and getting all pearled up.
playing at the kitchen counter
as she watched her mother make dinner
smiling a toothy grin.
her mother stirring the pot.
she watched her cat, meow, meow,
lying in the grass,watching carefully for
mice and voles. as she played with her sister,
laughing as she failed to do cartwheels in
the yard, happy as she can be.
screaming "yay" with glee laced in her words.
as night fell, sometimes she would forget
to brush her teeth, and just lie straight through them to her mother.
getting tucked into bed as her father left
on a nightlight. the soft breathing of her
sister on the top bunk, signaling she
was asleep peacefully. her mother told
her if she couldn't sleep, she could count
sheep in her head...
1 sheep.
2 sheep.
3 sheep.
4 sheep.

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