starcrossed lovers.

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i watched as people compared their lovers to stars and flowers while i couldn't. only because my lover isn't like a star or flower, he's like a favorite book. you pick him up because the cover is intriguing, but that's not why you stay. you stay because even if the first word is "the", you are already a lost cause. you find that the table of contents are even more interesting than your entire life. you flip through pages, reading in between lines, unraveling him piece by piece. and even when you think you've already read every single piece of him, you start back from the beginning and find things you never noticed the first time. he will forever be your favorite book because his pages are constantly being rewritten into new meanings. in the middle of reading, you find yourself falling deeper into love with him. you're hopeless; you have fell harder than the fastest meteorite zooming into earth. and as i sit and watch people compare their lovers to stars and flowers, i turn his pages and smile.

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