us alone.

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the cool mist swiftly blew upon her face as she got off her rusty, muddy bike on the muddy, wet ground;

her cold, pink hands wrapped around the wet wooden fence, pulling herself up and sitting on it;
she felt the water slowly drip down her cheeks;
her cheeks start to turn rosy as gusts of wind cried among them. she smiled and turned to him, "do you take all your girlfriends here?" she asked with a smirk upon her face. he chucked and looked up at the cloudy sky, "only the ones i find beautiful," he whispered. "the ones i can laugh with yet also talk to until 3am about things we don't understand. the ones with adorable features," he stated, gently grabbing onto her cheeks and pulling her close to him. "the ones that don't deserve to be in such a cruel world." she blushed before pulling her hood up so he couldn't see her tear stained face. the constant yet peaceful tap of rain fluttered and filled the silence; the good kind of silence. he placed his hands on hers and turned her face towards him. her gorgeous brown eyes shimmering with a tear...

he kissed her. passionately, lovely;
the world stopped and the rain grew silent.
she began to cry. hard. he was the only one who understood. together, they ran away in the dark, wet trails. never to be seen again.

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