School is Hell (Sincerely, Three)

Start from the beginning

He got dressed, ate, and brushed his teeth. Once he was finally presentable he went to check on his boyfriends.

He pushed the door open slowly, careful not to wake them.

Sure enough, he was right. Connor was sniffling in his sleep and was burning up when Jared felt his forehead.

He pulled out a piece of paper, writing them both a note for when they woke up to discover him gone.

Dear Evan,

I'm sorry that you're sick, babe. Just drink a lot of tea, I left out all the medicine that you will need (they're next to your anxiety meds). I love you.

Love, your favorite boyfriend, Jared

He finished the note of by drawing a heart at the end. He only had one sheet of paper so he had to write for Connor on the back.

Dear Connor,

I told you that you'd get sick. Yep, now you are sentenced to no cuddles for a week, that's what you get for making me go to Hell on my own. But, I still love you.

Sincerely (yes, this is how disappointed I am in you), your very pissed boyfriend (who still loves you anyways)

He folded the paper and left it on the nightstand, planting a kiss on both of his boyfriends heads before gathering his school supplies and rushing out the door.

He hopped in the car, throwing all his crap in the backseat. That's where Evan would've been sitting if he would've actually come to school.


Jared was right, without Evan to keep him looking on the bright side, and without Connor to protect him, the school day was Hell.

It was continuing to be Hell as Noah and his dumbass groupies cornered him against the edge of the pool.

"Guys, really? You're gonna beat me up the one day that Connor isn't here to scare you off. Y'all really are wimps if you're scared of such a sweetheart." Jared said, stalling. He didn't really know what he was stalling for. He was hoping that Connor would show up, but that wouldn't happen. Maybe, at least a teacher would show up and help him.

"Really?" Noah spat. "You think that that fucking fag is a sweetheart? Wow. Now we really know you deserve this."

Jared was only confused for a moment when he felt calloused palms press against his chest, pushing him backwards. He pulled in a hard breath and he fell into the pool.

Jared tried to pull his way up, he struggled for almost three minutes but Noah's cronies kept kicking his head underwater. He looked up, only seeing a bleary image of his murderers laughing.


"Connor, it's been two hours since school ended. He should've been home a long time ago. He should've at least texted." Evan panicked.

"Ssh, ssh. Jared's strong, he'll be fine. He probably stopped at lush and just can't decide what flavor he wants." Connor joked. He wished he could actually believe what he was saying. Whatever happened to Jared, he knew that it was his fault. He shouldn't have been so stupid and gotten sick in the first place.

Connor's phone rung, he looked at the screen which read "Jare's Mom".

"See, it looks like he stopped at his moms house, he probably forgot his phone at school again." He told Evan.

Evan nodded, perking up. Connor answered the phone, putting it on speaker for Evan.

"Hey, Jare." Connor tried, but instead, he was met with sobbing. It was Jared's mom.

"I-I'm sorry that I have to be the one to tell you." She sobbed.

"What? Tell us what?!" Evan asked, breathing quickly. Connor wanted to comfort the blonde, but he was basically in the same boat.

"Jared. H-he. In the pool."

"Oh. He went to the pool?" Connor questioned, knowing that wasn't true, but hoping with his whole heart.

"N-no. These boys- they-they pushed him d-down. The swim coach found him."

Connor wrapped his body around Evan, both their bodies racked in sobs. Connor couldn't even bring himself to hang up the phone. He was still waiting for the shout of "pranked!"

They both spent the rest of their lives wishing for that one word.


"Papa? Daddy?" Colleen squeaked.

"Yes, sweetie?" Connor and Evan asked, admiring the small, beautiful voice of their miracle daughter.

"Why can't I go to Hailey's birthday party, again? It's just swimming." She whined.

The two men breathed in deeply.


A/N I'm sorry, but, honestly, I'm really proud of that. There wasn't a definite ending really provided, Michael in the Bathroom came on and I got so sad that I just went with this.

Me writing angst: yass gotta love that
Me reading angst: ahh wtf who writes this shit

Also... thanks so much for 6k!!

Have an amazing day, loves💋💋

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