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No One's POV

The moment Junkyu steps into the school, he felt more refresh than ever. If it weren't for Y/n, he'd be out of breath. He walks towards his locker to find out what his secret admirer left him with. Y/n, who was just acting causally in the background trying not to get caught, glance over at him. Junkyu opens the locker to see a note and a box of home made cookies.

"Whoa! Junkyu Hyung has a secret admirer!" Jeongwoo voice echoed around the hallway as everyone's attention goes to them.

"This must be Crazy Love~" Yedam sang as he stands beside Junkyu.

The girls started whispering and looking around. Y/n was just acting cool trying not to expose her ass. Junkyu started blushing and punched Yedam's shoulder lightly. He takes a piece of the cookie and place it into his mouth. Yedam reaches out for a cookie but Junkyu stopped him.


Y/n felt her heart flutter thinking that Junkyu feels like her cookies were special to him. But oh boy....

"It's burnt... Really burnt...."

Yedam takes a cookie anyways and place it into his mouth.

"It's too burnt... You should throw them out." He whispers to Junkyu but loud enough for y/n to hear.

Y/N felt her heart throbbed. Knowing how much effort she put in order to baked the cookies... she knew Junkyu likes chocolate chips cookies so she tried making him some. But she failed... real miserably. Now, all her efforts are going to waste.

"Nah..." Junkyu shakes his head. "I'm gonna keep it,"

He smiles looking at the cookies and then the note. Yedam looks at him in confusion and y/n was low key fangirling inside.


Thanks for the cookies!
They were burnt tho

I tried my best
And fyi it taste great

What were they supposed to be?

Chocolate chip cookies

Kyutie 🐨
Well.... It's not chocolate
chip cookies anymore

Oh shush

And your note...

I'm starting to regret writing
it down now

"It's sweet just like you,"
I'm not sure if I should take
it as sarcasm or...

Yeah yeah I can't bake
Thanks I totally didn't know 🙃

Anyways thanks
I appreciate it

Falling for me already?

Kyutie 🐨
Haha very funny
Kyutie 🐨
Maybe if you learn how to
bake I might have.

That's a deal.
Have a good day in school :)

Kyutie 🐨
Haha okay
Kyutie 🐨
You too :)
Read, 8:37am

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