The waitress brings our food and we thank her for it . We take a few bites of the food and he clears his throat catching my attention .

"What exactly do you know about Cas ?" He asks and I shrug .

"Well nothing really . I just know that you guys have dated before and apparently she left but that's it ." I tell him .

"Well when she left she went for psychology ." He tells me .

"I feel as though there's more ." I take a bite of my lasagna .

"Well I got her pregnant ." He tells me and I stop eating .

"What ?" I asked shocked .

"Well we dated for two years before that and we were sexually active but she somehow fell pregnant ." He sighs .

"Where is the child now ? Why did she go to psychology ? Don't tell me that you forced her to do something she didn't want to do ." I say a bit flabbergasted .

"No ! I would never do that !" He says a bit loud but he calms down and apologizes .

"She lost the baby . We had planned on keeping him but she had a miscarriage because her womb was cancerous so that obviously led to depression because it means that she can't have any children ." He tells me and I frown .

"I should have never assumed that and I'm sorry . I'm sorry that you both had to go through that ." I say with a sincere voice .

"Kaden . That was going to be his name , hence the tattoo her and I have ." He shows me his tattoo on his arm and I feel bad for not realizing it sooner .

"This all happened when ?" I ask .

"Two years ago ." He tells me and I nod my head .

"You mentioned having to tell me something ?" He asks and I contemplate lying because of the revelation he just made .

"Uhm I'm going to Paris ." I tell him only a quarter of the truth .

"For ?" He asks having his food .

"I've got a few weeks off with Anais so I decided to go to Paris just to visit my grandparents and help out at the store ." I smile finishing off my food .

"Okay now I'm really jealous . I really want to go to paris ." He groans finishing off his food .

"Welllllll we can always do it another time ?" I suggest hoping that we could .

"I would love that ." He smiles .

Her orders food for Cas and he pays for our food . We walk out of the restaurant and walk straight to his car .

"Where to ?" He asks .

"Zions ." I say with a small blush .

"No need to be embarrassed ." He chuckles starting up the car .

He drives off to his brothers house while we sing at the top of our lungs . We arrive soon and I pout .

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