The Adult to Settle Things Out

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"I don't think that's necessary". A man appeared sitting right over the garden's gate. He can't be seen clearly because of the far shadowy distance but he sounds familiar."Come on out you sneaky cowboy". Misono said looking away from him with his arms crossed looking pissed.

"I see you know who I am." He jumped down then walked closer to us."It's a good thing Misono gave you all permission to have a meeting in the mansion. Greetings everyone, long time no see." As the sun light shine right at him, his face was now seen and at that point, I'm glad he came around.

"Mikuni-san, It's so nice to see you again, I didn't expect you to come by the mansion. What brings you here?." I said to him as I lend a seat for him to sit down. "Well, I just came here to stop by the mansion for a little visit, but when I heard your little meeting in the garden, I just can't keep myself from getting in."

"Does that mean you're coming with us Mikuni-san?." Tetsu questioned him while feeding Hugh a biscuit. "Why of course I am, that's also the reason why I came here. Of course, Misono messaged me about the meeting because he said we need an adult to agree on this plan since our father is very busy." Misono's eyes widened."Our father?!."

I can feel their aura spreading around them. The tension is getting even worse than I thought. That's when I asked Mikuni a question so I could cut them off for a while. "Uh, Mikuni-san?. I have a question. What best places are we going to have our summer vacation trip anyway?." Hahahaha! Good plan Mahiru, then distract him so the two of them can be separated from each other.

"Who knows, that's what road trips are all about. So its settled then, I better be going now, who knows what will happen to Abel's friends when Johann starts to melt them into juice. Isn't that right, Abel my darling?. Hahahaha, see you first thing in the morning everyone." He then walks out of the garden waving goodbye as he kept on walking without looking back.

"So guys, it's settled then, you heard Mikuni-san, we'll see each other first thing in the morning right outside Alicein Mansion."

"Wait! Does anyone have a car to ride in tomorrow? Hugh asked." We have a car, but we don't have enough room for all of us to fit in." Litched answered. "Don't worry, Doudou will drive us with my limousine tomorrow." Misono replied with a sereous expression. I guess he's still pissed about Mikuni-san."Alright then, the meeting is over, we'll see you all tomorrow morning, goodbye everyone." Lily greeted us all goodbye.

We all thanked Misono and waved him goodbye then we head out walking to our homes in seperate ways.

While walking home, I thought about where we're all going tomorrow and I feel so excited just thinking about it but when I heard someone calling my name, I jumped back to reality and realized that it was Kuro calling me."What is it Kuro?"."I kept calling your name and I saw you were spacing out, what's wrong Mahiru?". His words look like he's worried about me a little and for a fact that it means he wants something."Oh, I'm sorry if I worry you, I was just thinking about our road trip tomorrow. Aren't you excited Kuro? Our first ever summer vacation road trip to a far place we'll enjoy together."

"It seems like you're the one who's excited about this trip Mahiru. You're so troublesome..." He said as he turned to a cat and jumped on my shoulder."How can you tell when it's just the two of us here Kuro?". I said to him getting pissed."Let's not talk about it now, I'm getting hungry Mahiru, let's eat somewhere that has a cookies and cream ice cream in it". I knew he wanted something, and that something is eating and it kinda looks like I'm hungry too."Alright then, let's go eat dinner".

After eating dinner, we head back to our apartment for bed but before that, we had to pack our things for tomorrow's road trip. After packing, I change to my pajamas for bedtime then I set my alarm clock, saying goodnight to Kuro, then I fall asleep.

SERVAMP: A Not So Ordinary Summer Vacation [Re-Editing]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz