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As the sun starts to set and it's already time to go home from school, I feel so happy that it's already the end of the school year because I can spend time cleaning my apartment then cook different kinds of delicious foods and spend some time with Kuro but dissapointed at the same time because my two bestfriends Koyuki and Ryuusei have to leave me and home town.

They both have to go spend there summer vacation away from home and we know that we'll miss each other because we started our friendship since we were still in elementary and until now but even if we're far away from each other, we'll still be seeing together again when Summer Break ends.

"Hey, don't you two forget to call me when you get there okay?". I said to them sadly as we walked all the way to our homes.

"Of course we will call you, silly, don't be such a sad little puppy. After all, me and Ryuusei will be back in a week before the Summer ends, that way we could spend some time together just the three of us for the whole week".

I thought about what Koyuki said to me. After all, we will see each other as soon as the Summer ends."Fine... But promise me to call as soon as you get there". They both laughed but they stoped as I stared at them angrily. It's not that I miss them, I just want to make sure if they are safe just by thinking simply.

By the time we arrived to my apartment, we said goodbye to each other as we parted our ways waving our hands as I went inside my apartment.

"I guess I do miss them after all. This never happened before cuz every Summer Vacation we spend the days playing football with Sakuya then we hangout to the city together going to the arcade, eating delicious foods, and last of all buying our favorite things together."

Speaking of Sakuya, I wonder how he's doing right now?


I can't believe I get to stay inside the apartment with Tsubaki and the others. They should thank me for letting Belkia, Otogiri, Higan, and Shamrock escape from C3's base.

I remembered that tomorrow will be the start of Summer Vacation in Mahiru's school and I just can't get rid of those memories I had with Mahiru, Ryuusei, and Koyuki.

Now I regret telling him everything about me becoming a vampire and as a subclass of Tsubaki and lying to him about our memories a long time ago. But I have no choice, I had to do it since Mahiru already found that Servamp of Sloth.

I can't even choose who to trust, my Master or my friend. Why do I have to live like this! It's better if I just die. It's better if... I didn't exist at all.

" Why do you feel so glum little liar? Why don't you join us on a game of Shogi, maybe that will make you feel better." Belkia chuckled."It's nothing, and I prefer sitting like this and staring at the window than playing that old game for old people." They looked at me surprised to hear what I just said.

"Hey! Are you saying that me and Girioto are old?!". Belkia spoke loudly at me feeling insulted." I'm okay being old, it's not that I care or anything if that's a problem." Otogiri anwered while taking the next turn.

"Now now you two, Sakuya is just having a bad mood right now so let's not disturb him". Tsubaki interupted us while taking the next turn of Shogi with Shamrock.

"Tsk! I resign..." Shamrock bowed to Tsubaki."I can't believe it... The Young Master defeated me in Shogi 10 times in a row, I'm so proud of you Young Master!"

"Thanks Shamrock but didn't I tell you to stop calling me Young Master?" Tsubaki said to Shamrock while keeping the Shogi board."Indeed you said it and from now on I won't call you Young Master, Young Master. Oops! I apologize Young Master but I can't seem to stop." While scratching his head embarrassed.

I let out a little sigh, letting myself think that... I wonder how Mahiru is doing right now.

SERVAMP: A Not So Ordinary Summer Vacation [Re-Editing]Where stories live. Discover now