1789 [Harry Styles AU]

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Author: everlasts

Welcome to Paris, a city in a country of supreme nobility, royalty, class and power- marvelous France. With big hair, beautiful gowns and delicate china cups meant for the classiest of tea parties, everything is perfect.

That is until the year 1789.

France has gone bankrupt, the cities are faced with poverty, the people are starving and the entire country is on the verge of revolutionary outbreak. The people are fed up and the country of etiquette and tea cakes is headed for ultimate chaos.

But amidst all this, in the chateau of an elderly English man, Lord Desmond Styles, life presses on. Tucked away in the outsskirts of the bustling town of Paris, the Styles family dines richly every night and hosts the most exquisite galas each week. Life is perfect, no taxes, no worries, and no commoners; except to tend to the family's needs and three story home. That is, no commoners until now.

When a malnourished runaway is picked off the streets by a feeble old woman and brought before Lord Desmond, the desperate young girl is taken on to work. Nursed to health by the kindness of the master of the house, she is given a job and works along side other servants to keep the household in mint condition. But of course, what would a story set in the city of love be without a love story? Read about the dark and twisted romance filled with trials as France makes it's mark in history in 1789.


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