Chapter Three

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*Hello guys! Beforehand, the gif in the upper part of the chapter is the illustration or example of how Elizabella lighting bends most of the time. It's not mine. It's from a tv show that I love. Avatar: The Last Airbender. But I put it there so that you guys can have a better image of what I'm trying to explain.

So, yeah. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and if you do please don't forget to vote, comment and share. I'm really happy with all of the support this story has received. Really. It's been amazing! You guys are awesome!




Elizabella's POV:

I was walking towards the training room, remembering every single detail of the rant I gave my father two days ago.

"Father how could you?!" I said slamming the door. " Elizabella, calm down. I can explain." He answered. " Okay, go on". I replied crossing my arms. " Aiden and Silas have been lieutenants for a few years, and I thought that they deserved to be Captains. Their work is always outstanding. Giving them that title would motivate them and boost our development." He said sitting down.

"Father, how many years have I've been trying to become a captain? Four years! I've done nothing but the best I could give you guys here and yet you have not given me the opportunity to become a Captain! I'm not even a third in command. Why is it so hard? I've already been exposed to vampires and what they have been doing. I've killed vampires! How more dangerous can it become?! Stop protecting me! I can protect myself!" I said slamming the desk.

" I know you can. But, you're still going to be our baby. Forever. As long as we can protect you and avoid you going to more dangerous situations, that's a win for us. Please Elizabella, understand us." My father said standing up and grabbing my hand.

"We love you and we want your life to be as long as grandpa Lulo that died when he was 100 plus years old." He said.

" I'm a vampire hunter dad. I don't even know what is going to happen once this curse is broken. I might be immortal. So please, let me live my life. I want to protect our people. I want to fight for us. You have told me so many times that I am always free to speak my mind and do what nobody else thinks I can't do...Well? I can be a Captain. I can do it. I want to do it. It's not only becoming a captain, but it's also about doing more than just cleaning the bathrooms and training for hours for nothing. " I said looking at him in the eye.

"Alright, Elizabella. Let's do something...If Aiden and Silas have problems with this mission, I'll let you go and help them. Is that alright with you?" He said. " Yes. I will show you that I am just as worthy as them to be a captain" I said looking at him in the eyes.

"Okay." He said smiling.

I was waiting for them to call me and tell me that Aiden and Silas needed my help. Heck, I was counting every second. I knew they would need my help. Vampire women were crazier than normal. And in some cases, even stronger. I mean just take as an example, the Queen. She's invincible.

I had finally arrived at the training ground and decided to start stretching and run around the Coliseum. I started slowly then faster and faster. I wanted to train to my extremes to get better at them.

"Elizabella!"I heard my father yell. I stopped running and made my way towards him. "Yes, father? Do you have any news?" I asked. "I think you are a very lucky girl. Aiden and Silas' group have had some difficulties with their mission. One of the men came back telling us that the vampire was not working alone, a witch was working with her. We don't know in what conditions the group is, so as promised... this is your first official mission. Retrieve the group we sent before and arrest these two creatures and if things get messy... well you know what to do." My father spoke.

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