A Bare Necessity

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Song above: Sucker by The Jonas Brothers.

In honor of their reunion. God bless. Plus, it kind of expresses Dec I also deadass just did a biography speech on Kevin Jonas the other day and two of my friends did Joe and Nick. I was gonna do Frankie to be my funny ass self, but he didn't have information about him on biography.com. Poor Frankie. (Wrote this in like February... oops.)

Kinda triggered that whoever made the quote with the picture above spelt 'necessities' wrong.

Description: The one where it's in Dominic's P.O.V. (His P.O.V of scenes in the book and my own scene.)

Nuff' said.


"Look for the bare necessities. The simple bare necessities. Forget about your worries and your strife." -Baloo, The Jungle Book.

Everyone has a bare necessity. Whether it's one or multiple. They're something you need, something you can't live without.

I'm surprised that not more people notice it.

I thought that everyone within a mile radius could see it in his eyes.

Then again, I am more observant than most.


Coming back to my hometown after many years has been, well, interesting, to say the least.

To be quite honest, I was only here for work. Well... work and Naomi.

Once I learned that she was hanging out with The Three Musketeers, I had to be the one to come and attend Dartwell High for business matters. Usually, I'd let one of my boys go and run my errands. But this was an exception.

Originally, I was just supposed to gather intel on the three gang members and then leave as fast as I came. But with Naomi in the mix, this is now going to be a lot harder than I thought.

Leaving Naomi when we were kids was one of the harder things I've had to do in my life. Although, we were just kids and it wasn't exactly my choice, I still felt guilty about leaving her all by herself. Right now, that guilt is just flooding back in waves because I've only been back for a few days and I've already heard her "nickname" plenty of times.

Anyone could take a wild guess and say she's been through a lot throughout the years.

Getting some dirt on these boys and getting Naomi to come back to my side once again is going to be a challenge, but one that I'm willing to take.

Maybe getting said dirt through Naomi was the better option.

The Musketeers may be my main rivals, but I can surely say that I'm glad that they were there for Naomi in the end. Especially since I wasn't able to be there myself.


When I reunited with Naomi, not at the Halloween party, it was an interesting experience.

Bennett, Jordan, and Declan really did try to size me up but they didn't know who they were dealing with.

From my first meeting with them, I could already tell they were all very different yet very smart in their respective ways. I could also quickly assume their stance when it came to Naomi. Judging by their guarded looks, they weren't about to let me get to her that easily. All three of them were behind her like guard dogs ready to pounce at her signal.

Bennett, the calm and collected one. He was staring me down but I wasn't fazed. In my line of work, you tend to learn how to not be bothered by typically unsettling things.

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