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Song above: Armor by Landon Austin. :')

Description: The one where Declan is pissed and there's only one person who can calm him down.

**Contains swearing**

Idk if any of y'all are innocent, you shouldn't be since this is Wattpad, but ya know. 


Declan and Bennett were walking to AP Physics during passing period when Raymond decided that today was one of those days where he was going to be an idiotic dick.

Well... That wasn't anything out of the usual, actually.

"Hey guys!" 

Declan and Bennett acknowledged whoever was calling them by turning around to see who it was. But when all they saw was a disgrace of a man that is Raymond, Bennett gave him a blank stare and Declan blessed him with one of his signature glares. Then, they turned right back around and kept walking.

Raymond jogged to catch up with them, putting one hand on Declan's shoulder.

"Have you seen Naomi?" He asked. Bennett could see the evil glint in his eyes and he knew that Raymond had bad intentions with Naomi. Declan seemed to realize this as well.

Declan roughly grabbed Raymond's wrist and yanked it off his shoulder. He could see the wince Raymond gave. He couldn't help but be somewhat satisfied. 

"As if we would tell you." He growled. Him and Bennett continued walking to their next class. They now only had a few minutes seeing as Raymond delayed them enough.

"Fine. I guess I'll just have to find her myself." Raymond smirked.

Declan's a simple guy, really. Or so he likes to think. If he sees you as a threat to anyone that he loves or if you actually do something to someone he loves, he'll be the one to make sure you don't harm or go near them ever again. 

And Naomi just so happened to be one of the few people that he loves so when this bully/physical abuser/cunt wants to know where she is, Declan gets a bit agitated.

See? Simple.

Declan whipped around to face him. Now they were starting to get a crowd, Bennett noticed.

"No, you won't." 

It was an order.

But Raymond clearly is missing some brain cells so he had the stupid idea of continuing.

"I heard she's going to be in Calculus this next period..." Raymond said and began walking in the direction of Naomi's class.

Well, he was walking to her class but the next thing he knew was that he was violently grabbed by his shirt from behind and was forcefully pushed onto the nearest locker.

He now realized who he had just pissed the fuck off and now felt as if he was about to shit his pants. But of course, he wouldn't show it and just dug his hole even deeper for himself just for the sake of his nonexistent pride.

"You go near her and I make your life a living hell." Declan threatened with his hands clutched around Raymond's collar.

"But then you would become the one thing you hate the most." Raymond said smugly.

Declan seemed to be taken a back for a moment but that moment fled just as quick as it came.

"Didn't know I'd become you, asshat."

Bennett decided to make his presence known since it seemed like things were getting heated and he remembered there was an audience. Luckily, there was no teacher. Yet. But Bennett really needed to handle things or else Declan could be suspended or even expelled if things escalate. 

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