Happily Ever After

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Third Person
Naya woke up two weeks after the fight with Zarkon. Once she was awake she helped rebuild Altea and the other planets in the solar system. When Naya touched the Altea soil. Glowing white wings sprouted from her back.
She had explained to everyone that all royal members of Xanathard held wings.
It had been five weeks since Naya woke up.
Nayas POV
I walked around ignoring the stares people gave me. Coran and Some of the Alteans has made me a royal Xantharian Dress.

 Coran and Some of the Alteans has made me a royal Xantharian Dress

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Of course I loved the dress. But it made me sad. The Paladins think that I was visiting Altea and then going back to Xanathard. That is not the truth.
"NAYA! Come on!" Princess Allura called.
I flew towards her and carried her to the castle. We walked into the dining room where the Paladins were sitting. Me and Allura sat down and Hunk's cooking team placed the food down.
"So Naya! How long are you planning to stay! We know you want to help with construction but you really should head back and start rebuilding your planet." Allura said.
I looked down and my wings disappeared.
"Princess?" Shiro asked.
"I think I'm done lying to you all." I said causing them all to go silent.
"When I took out Zarkon. I did more than rebuild Altea's solar system. I gave many planets back there life. But..it caused me to lose something in return." I said sadly.
"What did you lose?" Pidge asked.
I looked up at them.
"My home...Xanathard is gone. I chose to save your home Allura." I said.
A silence fell over the table and I finished my food. I stood up and winced.
"Naya?" A voice said.
I looked up and saw my eye sight going blurry. I heard muffled voices and then saw blurry figures come towards me. Then I fell backwards and darkness.
Allura pov
So after Naya explained what she did. I sat there shocked. We ate our food in silence. Then Naya, stood up and her eyes went wide.
"Naya?" Keith called.
She looked up and started stumbling.
We all sat up and rushed over to her. But her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell backwards. Keith caught her and picked her up. We ran to healing pods and placed her in. Nothing. I powered it for Xanathard Beings. Nothing.
I started sobbing.
"Did she just.." Shiro said.
A glow filled the room and Naya shot awake. She was panting her eyes wide with fear.
"Your okay!" Lance said.
Naya spread her and flew straight out the castle. We ran after her and followed her. She was flying in the sky looking up. Then a bright light glowed from her hands and something entered the atmosphere.
"WHAT IS THAT!?" Hunk yelled.
Everyone stopped and looked up.
Naya flew down and landed. She lifted her hands and the white light shot toward the object.
"P-Paladins! You ah e to destroy it! If it hits Altea I don't think many will survive!" Naya strained.
She made another blast of whit slight and she was standing in crater straining.
"Got it!" Keith yelled.
I got into Blue and flew towards the object as I got closer I realized what it was. It was a meteorite covered in Galra infected Balmeran Crystals.
Nayas pov
The Paladins started to fire against the meteorite but I struggled to hold it back.
"Paladins! Status!" I said into the com device.
"It's not breaking!" Lance yelled.
"I can break it. But I won't survive the process!" I yelled.
"No way!" Shiro complained
"Shiro. Paladins. Coran. Everyone. You've done a lot. And this is the only thing in our way. It's not a normal meteorite. It's also a reality crystal. I have to destroy it." I said.
"But!" Pidge protested.
"Let me be a hero mkay?" I pleaded.
The Paladins sighed.
"What do you want us to do?" Keith said shocking the others.
"KEITH!" They yelled.
"Thank you Keith. Fly down here. Make sure everyone is well away from the crater!" I said.
The lions flew down and evacuated people. I stopped holding the crystal and flew towards it. I used my magic to slow the crystals fall and place it in the crater. I touched it with my hand and it glowed. My wings started to dissolve and I felt my hair and legs start to go. The crystal started cracking and I turned to the Paladins one last time.
"be the hero's your ment to be." I said.
Then they all screamed my name as I dissolved from the world.

One year later
(Keith's pov
I was chatting with the everyone at a table in front if a statue. I looked at the statue and sighed.
"We all miss her Keith. It's why we have Naya Day." Allura said.
We all fell silent and looked at the statue.
Coran stood up and raised his glass.
"A toast. To the princess that saved a whole planet. A whole solar system. And defeated the evil Zarkon. Many of us have been touched by her actions. For some She was a hero. For others she was a Princess. But for everyone around this table. She was family." Coran spoke.
We all stood up and raised our cups.
"To Naya!" Coran said.
"To Naya!"

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