Sleeping Beauty

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So this chapter is Allura's(RIP!!!) POV. The rest will be yours....I think.

Allura POV
"Paladins! We have to hide!" I said taking another hit.
"There an abandoned planet nearby that's not supposed to be on the maps. But the castle just picked it up!" Coran said.
"Let's go!" Shiro said.
I flew the Blue Lion Into the wormhole. It closed behind us. We didn't go far...we just made it look like it. We landed on a barren brown planet. We landed the castle and got the lions inside. I headed to the Control Room and saw the rest of them there.
"Where are we Coran?" I asked stepping up to my little platform.
"I don't know Princess. This plant was marked off as dead. So it wasn't on the maps." He said.
"Is it stable?" Shiro asked.
"It's stable but abandoned and unable to hold life anymore. We could explore." I replied.
We left the castle and I bent down and touched the dead grass.
"This is so..." Hunk started.
"Sad." Pidge finished.
We walked around until I spotted what looked like an old castle.
"Do you see that?" I asked them.
They all nodded and we started running towards it. We entered and I gasped. There were swords with stained blood on the floor and old Galra weapons.
"It's a murder!" Pidge said.
"Galra..." Lance muttered
Keith started walked to center of the room where a statue of a girl stood on a platform. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was open as if she was screaming. Her hand was out stretched and her feet were in mid motion.
"It's beautiful.....but....strange.." I said.
"Princess I know where we are." Coran said.
I turned to him. His face had gone pale at the sight of the statue.
"Well?" Lance asked.
"We're on a plant called Xanathard....before Zarkons evil and when he was a paladin the others would visit often. This statue is the Princess." He said.
"Well its very realistic..." I said.
"Allura is this Altean?" Keith asked.
I walked over and saw a message in Altean. I nodded to him.
"Only an Altean can find, the Princess trapped inside." I read aloud.
"Trapped?" Lance said.
I stood back and looked at the statue. I gasped.
"Maybe the statue is the Princess and she's frozen." I said.
"That's the only thing that's stable so it makes sense." Hunk said
I reached out and touched her outstretched hand.
"Be free," I said.
A glow came from my finger tips and the stone slowly crumpled and fell. A girl with glowing blond hair and blue eyes started to appear. Her dress was white and tears were down her face.
"Woah..." Pidge, Hunk, and Lance said.
"FATHER!" The girl yelled with a beautiful voice.
She then fell forward. Keith was the closest and caught her.
"My father....?" She said shaking in Keith's arms. She then looked up and Keith and frowned.
"Where is your aura?" She asked.
Keith went red.
"My what?" He asked.
"Your magic aura. I don't sense it....I don't sense it anywhere.." she said.
She stood up and looked at the castle in shock.
" father....everyone...." she said tears streaming down her face.
I ran forward and hugged her. She looked at me and smiled.
"Allura! Where is your father?" She asked.
"King Alfor was killed by Zarkon, Princess Naya." Coran said.
The girl pushed away from me and sat down on the pedestal her statue had been standing on.
"Then we lost.....Zarkon won..." she said crying.
"No he didn't. Were the Paladins to Voltron. We will stop Zarkon." Shiro said.
The girl looked up.
"That's what the first said. And now my home is destroyed and I watched my father...never mind ..." she trailed off.
"Are- Were you the Princess herebNaya?" I asked.
"That I was Princess." She said.
"Naya I am truly sorry....Altea has been destroyed along with my entire race.,." I said.
Naya looked at me.
"I am sorry for my lack of faith. Paladins as such.,.i don't feel well.." Naya closed her eyes and fell to her right. Keith ran up and caught her again.
"Let's head to castle...Keith pick up Naya" Shiro said.
Keith frowned but picked up Naya bridal style. We got to the castle and put her in a healing pod. We saw her twitch and strain.
"Shes not okay.." I said.
"She just woke up and found her entire plant dead. And her father....who knows. The princess and the king were close because the Queen had died during birth of Naya." Coran said.
"We're so similar yet I don't know how to help." I sighed.
"We will check on her in the morning. Let's sleep." Shiro said.
I walked to my room and fell asleep

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