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We had stayed camping at the ruins of Diabazzal for a few days. Ships came and went. Pidge managed to hack into the cameras and we got a view inside the base. Lotor walked around. He's different. He reminds me like his father....I sighed as I watched Lotor order another guard.
"Hey, you okay?" Shiro asked.
"It's just hard. He was so kind...maybe all Galra are the same..." I said
Shiro smiled comforting me.
"It's okay. Everyone changes." He said.
I smiled at him. I then turned my attention back to the screen. I turned up the volume.
"..we spotted the castle hiding in the ruins.." a guard said.
I went pale and looked at Shiro who was just as shocked. I spoke into the speaker.
The Paladins ran in.
"Listen." Shiro said.
"...capture the lions...once My father finds what I have done I will be back in the empire." Lotor commanded.
"Should we attack now?" The guard asked.
"...capture the Paladins...leave the castle...they won't know..." Lotor said.
"Vrepit Sa." I guard said and then walked away.
I clicked off the screen. I turned to the others, they were pale and shocked.
"Get to your lions!" Keith ordered.
The Paladins ran out before Shiro and I could warn them.
"They'll get killed!" Coran said.
I looked at the Galra ship and saw the lions fighting. Shiro told them to fall back but they didn't. Then a purple beam hit them all and they all grunted. Then the tractor beams pulled them in to the ship.
"No!" I yelled.
I turned but Shiro grabbed me.
"We can't...not yet.." he said sadly.
"I can get them out Shiro!"
"Naya...let's see what he does..." Shiro said.
I looked down and then turned to the screen. I opened the Galra camera and watched.
"We have the Paladins and the Lions." A guard told Lotor.
"...for now put the Paladins in cells. I'll talk to them in an hour." Lotor commanded and then left.
I changed the screen to the cells and saw the Paladins unconscious. They each get I thrown into their own cells and the guards took their Bayard and helmets and then locked the cells and left.
Coran went to get us some food.
I sat down in Keith's seat and watched the screen. I put their individual cell cameras up.
"Wake up Paladins..." I muttered.
After a few minuets the Paladins woke and started to speak to each other.
"We got tricked..." Keith said.
I turned to look at Lotor.
"Get the Paladins. If they do not surrender...Kill them. But first I must talk to them." Lotor said.
I gasped and looked at Shiro and Coran. They were talking. I thought hard.
"Shiro...tell the others I thank them for everything." I said loudly standing up.
"...your going after them aren't you?" Shiro said.
I nodded and hugged him. I then hugged Coran.
"Take care of Allura...I'll bring her back." I promised him.
"Your coming back to." Coran said.
I nodded and ran to the hangars and took a pod. I flew to the base and sunk in.
"You in?" I heard Shiro ask on the coms.
"I'm in." I whispered
I walked down the hallways Shiro and Coran leading me to the main room. I  teleported to right outside and heard.
"Give up Paladins. I have your lions and the location of your ship. You can't win!" Lotor said.
"We will never give up to the Galra!" Allura said.
"...fine..." Lotor said.
I looked inside and saw a guards with there guns pointed at the Paladins.
"I really hate doing this, but if you don't surrender I will be forever to kill you and your two friends in the castle." Lotor sighed.
"He doesn't know I'm here..." I muttered.
I closed my eyes and then teleported in front of the Paladins shocking everyone.
"No! You will not kill the Paladins!" I yelled.
Lotor stared at me.

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