TMNT x Reader | Period #2

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((A/N) Aaaah what a throwback! I loved writing that one 😂💕)

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((A/N) Aaaah what a throwback! I loved writing that one 😂💕)

Just like in the first story the boys would instantly be in a panic mode. Their girl was bleeding, in shock and didn't know what to do. They don't care if they are bleeding themselves, they're used to cuts and bruises but their daughter? Oh no. "Where are you bleeding? Who hurt you?", they said in an alarmed voice. What if someone sneaked into the lair? What if she hurt herself by playing with one of their weapons? They knew it wouldn't help your daughter much her dad was a mess but they just couldn't help it. They're pretty good at reading people, by the gestures they make, the way they pronounce things or simply by their face. Your girl was uncomfortable and started to blush. "I ... I actually wanted to talk to mom but ... she's not here", she started. What does she mean? When did she grow up like that? Only wanted to talk to you and not her dad? What did they miss? "Can't I help you?", they asked and visibly calmed down a little. It couldn't be that bad if she could still talk. Not life threatening at least. She shrugged and then explained where she was bleeding and that she will definitely die from it. Now, the boys aren't stupid. They don't know too much about periods (aka they never bothered with the intense details) but they knew enough to calm her down. "Too bad your mom isn't here, she'd be so proud", they said and smiled. After that, they explained where your pads were and that she "has to put them on or something" (like I said they never REALLY cared about the details of that). If everything failed, they'd call you and ask for advice.

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