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Jungkook continues to watch, fascinated by the very idea of a male beauty blogger, now wondering what the man might look like. His question is answered when a girl approaches the mystery blogger and the man turns around to reveal his face...and when he does, Jungkook has to ask himself if he's still drunk, because he finds himself looking at Jimin again.

Except this time, Jimin's usually bare eyes are outlined with what his mother always referred to as "burgundy" and some black, giving them depth that catches Jungkook off guard. Jimin's lips are tinged perhaps a shade pinker than usual, his hair styled to reveal his forehead.

Truth be told, despite his mother's career, he had always scoffed at the idea of makeup, especially when it's applied to another member of the male species. Yet, he can't keep his eyes off of how much the makeup works for the male blogger, as if the colors were created on this planet just so the man could wear them.

Jimin looks like a model off one of the magazines his mother would bring back home all the time. His features, while remaining masculine are finer now. There is an added layer of something sultry surrounding the "nerd," and honestly, Jungkook wouldn't even have recognized him if it wasn't for having seen the other man at the party less than 24 hours ago.

Jungkook is only broken out of his reverie when his mother comes to send him on a quick errand, and for the first time, he's glad to be sent off on some menial task. He leaves the building as quickly as possible, inexplicably wishing that Jimin hadn't recognized him.


The next time Jungkook finds himself in his marketing course, he's on the lookout for Jimin, who's suddenly decided to catch his attention. For the first time in history of his college life, he arrived at the lecture a solid 10 minutes early, taking a seat in the back to get a good look at everyone else who walks in.

His usual friends arrive with 3 minutes to spare and sit next to him. Jungkook lets out half-assed responses to whatever they are talking about and instead keeps his eyes locked on the door into the lecture hall. With 1 minutes left until lecture, Jimin walks in, laptop secured tightly in his arms and his pouty lips set into a thin line. And as expected, he takes an empty chair in the second row.

The man's not wearing any makeup (as usual), and it serves as a striking contrast to what the man had looked like on Saturday. There is now an air of something younger. More naive. And Jungkook is starting to see the power of makeup his mother had always spoken to him about.

Jungkook basically spends the entire hour staring at the back of the man's head. He seems to be doing diligent work, typing furiously into his laptop as the professor continues to ramble on and on.

What the fuck am I doing, Jungkook sighs to himself as he tries to focus on the professor's words instead. He's being unreasonable. So what if someone from his marketing lecture happened to be invited to his mother's launch event. There must be thousands of beauty bloggers in Seoul. It's no big deal, right?

Except Jungkook feels like he's suddenly seeing the guy everywhere and it's strangely distracting.

Jungkook, by the end of the lecture, comes to the conclusion that his brain is latching onto this seemingly mundane, boring, useless piece of information because it has nothing else better to do. God, his life has become so dull as of late. Sure, he's constantly invited to parties and surrounded by people who all seem to want to impress him one way or another, but it's all become too repetitive. Especially when he has to act the part of a straight man constantly around his friends at parties.

Yeah, so that must be it. He needs to do something else to get his brain stimulated.

So by the end of the grueling week, Jungkook finds himself at a gay bar in Itaewon. He's been to the club a couple of times before, and while he would love to come more often (since all the employees are insanely good-looking and full-fledged gay), he's always been afraid of anyone from the university spotting him entering the venue.

But today, he just needs this particular distraction. Perhaps fool around with some twink so he stops thinking about the nerd from marketing for the rest of the course.

Except he spends an entire hour bored out of his mind.

So many men, yet not a single one catches his interest.

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