The Secret Kept Forever

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There had once been a time when Kai thought he knew Cinder Blackburn. He had assumed that she told him everything based on the fact that he told her everything. He had believed that she would never keep a secret from him simply because he thought she didn't have secrets. He had been wrong on every point.

Cinder Blackburn was an enigma, and it took her death for Kai to discover that much about her. Close to two years of marriage and seven years knowing each other had given him only the basic facts. Without Cinder Blackburn, the living, breathing mystery, she was a web of secrets and lies.

But had she even known that about herself?

Since Cinder's death, Kai had discovered numerous things about her— both things she had and hadn't known. He had unearthed the origin of her nickname: Cinder. He had been told that her father had never truly loved her and why. He had revealed that she was a liar. He had found out too many things about Cinder since her death. He didn't know if he could handle another secret.

Thorne dragged Kai outside and away from all their friends, his hands ice cold and clammy as they clutched Kai's wrist. Thorne had been very vague on whatever it was that he needed to tell Kai, but it was clear that it was urgent.

Possibilities swirled throughout Kai's brain, though each one made less sense than the next. How many secrets could one person have? What was the point of it all? Had Cinder ever truly trusted Kai with anything? Was their relationship ever real?

Kai thought back to their last conversation and how nervous Cinder had been. She had wanted to tell him something then, but what was it?

All of a sudden, Thorne stopped in his trail, Kai almost walking into him at the abruptness of the action. Thorne had stopped crying, his face now scared as he turned to look at Kai. There was shame in his eyes like there had been back in Scarlet's living room.

"What is it, Thorne?" Kai asked, unable to bear the tremendous torturous suspense. "What the hell is going on?"

The sun was setting over the valley, the clouds dusty yellow under deep blue sky. The color contrasted heavily with the red rocks of Phoenix, but there was a certain luster to it.

A soft summer breeze swept the hair off of Kai's face, blowing it wayward as he stared at a guilty Thorne.

"Just tell me what's going on, Thorne." Kai pleaded. "I deserve to know if it is about her." Kai suspected that Thorne had the intention of telling him—considering that he had basically dragged Kai from the house—but Thorne seemed at a loss for words as he stared at the dusty clouds under an inky sky.

Thorne turned to look at Kai, and a feeling of unease came over Kai. Suddenly, he didn't want to know whatever Thorne had to tell him. He didn't want Cinder's memory ruined, even at the expense of his curiosity.

"Promise you won't hate me," Thorne said, his voice wavering slightly at his words, though his eyes remained clear and desperate. Thorne grabbed Kai violently by his shirt, his eyes crazed as he clutched Kai. "Promise me, Kai."

Kai tried to shove away from Thorne, his brain screaming at him to yell for help. Whatever was happening wasn't good. Thorne wasn't mentally stable at the very least, and at the most... Kai didn't want to think what could happen.

"Let me go!" Kai yelled, pushing away from Thorne, his shirt ripping in the process.

Thorne seemed to realize his actions in that moment, lowering his head back into his hands and sobbing. He began to mutter something that Kai couldn't understand, pulling at his hair until Kai feared he would rip it all out.

"Stop that, Thorne!" Kai yelled, his brain shifting from defense to assistance. He was frightened of the new Thorne, but he didn't want him to hurt himself. "Thorne!" Kai screamed.

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