Unrightfully Stolen

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Emptiness met Kai like the hollow drear of a grave as he entered into his apartment. His apartment. His, because she was gone. No longer theirs, but his alone.

Alone, because she was gone forever.


The aching ripped at the inside of Kai's chest. It felt like he was both about to explode and suffocate at the same time. Everything hurt without feeling as Kai shook, angry tears sliding down his face and to the floor.

He was alone. She was never coming back. Nothing would ever be there for him. He would come home from work every night and wait for a ghost. The thought ruined him.

Soft glows of sun sparkled through Kai's window. It was almost morning now, after the long and terrible night. Kai wished he could turn back the clock to when he had last seen the sun. He wished he had listened to Cinder and her offer to stay in that night. Why had he been so incredibly selfish?

Cinder had passed away shortly after ten p.m. the night before. The official report claimed that it was head trauma and blood loss, though it should have listed Kai's own foolishness. She had told him that they could stay home. She had wanted to, but he had made her go. It was all his fault.

The rest of the night had been too long. Phone calls were made. Phone calls that hurt too much to make. Phone calls that everyone dreaded.

Talking to Cinder's father had been the hardest. Kai hadn't lasted more than two words before he broke down crying. Thorne had to finish the call for him. Thorne had to make all the calls for Kai after that, though there were few to make.

Thorne had been the greatest help during the night of unspeakable torment. Cinder's normally sarcastic and rude friend had changed faster than the flick of a light— and that may have been one of the scariest parts of the entire night.

Everyone but Thorne and Kai had gone home after the death pronouncement. Each of his friends had in turn offered him physical and emotional comfort before leaving, but Kai hadn't even noticed. His life had been destroyed with two words, and the damage was irreparable.

She's gone

She's gone

She's gone

At the end of it all, Thorne had driven Kai home. He offered to stay with him, to keep him company, but Kai didn't want it. He only wanted Cinder, and if he couldn't have her, he wouldn't have anyone.

Cinder's work boots sat by the door, one straight up while the other lay on its side. Shaking, Kai bent down and picked up the upright shoe, his lips trembling but eyes dry. He clutched the dirty shoe to his chest, broken sobs singing into the lonely home.

Everything was ruined.

Everything was gone.

Everything hurt.

Kai collapsed slowly to the floor. He hugged the ratty shoe like it was a stuffed animal and he were an anxious toddler. He was still clothed in his blood spattered drab and crisp, clean bandage across his forearm. He desperately needed a shower— to be clean of all her blood.

Her blood.

Her blood.

Her blood.

Rancid bile choked Kai, making him gag. He let out a wretched, agonized scream, suddenly wanting it all to go away. Her blood itched at his skin like a rash, and he wanted it gone.

He wanted it gone

He wanted it gone.

He wanted it gone.

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