
I wandered around the loft with a sense of pride as I imagined what my life could look like now. No more being trapped inside single moments in fear of losing everything. Raising my little girl in a home where she would never have to know abandonment like myself, where she'd never endure what I did. This was going to be my forever, and even if Trey and I went our separate ways and even if I was fired from the Clave, it would be sanctuary, just me and my daughter. 

It was almost time to go to the airport. Against Alec's opinion and Magnus' guidance I decided on taking the bike. For once Jace didn't input and Izzy just laughed at the boys' obvious attempt to forget I don't listen to other people often. The bike was roaring as I pulled out of the lot and I almost wanted to let my hands fly behind me as I felt the fresh air hit me. It wasn't long until I reached the airport and I can't say I have ever been more nervous and excited for anything in my life. 

The glass windows stood like invisible barriers around the entire building, the second I passed through the threshold I would have only one objective. Get the man I love back, and never let go ever again. 

I made my way towards the waiting area an didn't even think to write out a card, I knew he'd recognise me, even in a crowd like this he has a talent for finding people. There were so many people in this one area, like the doctor's office they all had their own stories. I wondered if any of these people had hardships similar to my own, if maybe I wasn't just unlucky with the hand I was dealt, maybe they could reassure my nervous sensations that were currently cascading through every muscle in my body. I was on the brink of my own anxiety. 

That was until I spotted him. 


She hadn't noticed me. I'd found her angelic features only seconds ago and since that I hadn't felt more at peace. She was frantically looking around, analysing every passing being, probably trying to figure out the people surrounding her. I smiled at how innocent she looked, the burdens of her past didn't seem to be weighing on her head and to any person looking from the outside, you wouldn't know her trauma. But I do, and I would make it my job to ensure it never hurt her again. 

Her eyes finally fell on my own and I could've sworn she started to cry, that was confirmed when she ran towards me in almost incomprehendable speed, wiping away the few tears that leaked from her beautiful eyes. I nearly collapsed when she fell into my arms. 

We stood there for what seemed like infinity. I held her tight as if to even loosen my grip would be to abandon her again and she sobbed into my chest, our tears forming rivers around our feet as we fought the desire to fall to the ground. "Don't ever let me go again." she said between her cries. 

"Never." was all I could manage, my voice breaking thinking back to the past three months. We wasted so much time, I wasted so much time, thinking that we were inevitable destruction. There's nothing I wouldn't give for a forever with her, but I know that's not realistic. For now at least... I'll take whatever I can get to have her in my arms.


I don't remember the ride home, I drowned out of my own thoughts with his arms wrapped around me and, unknowingly to him, our child. We got off of the bike in unison and took in a deep breath, acting as if those past three months hadn't existed at all, as if the air around us was finally safe to breath. By the Angel I loved him.

I noticed him furrow his brows when he looked around him, he didn't recognise the place yet, and I felt a sense of excitement start to bubble in my stomach. "Where are we?" he asked in confused tone that only made my smile grow wider and wider, "Come on." I said as I grabbed his hand and dragged him slowly behind me. 

I grabbed the keys from my back pocket and kept looking into his stunning brown eyes, searching for any sign of realisation, when he finally spoke up I pushed the key into the door. "This is your place? What happened to living with Magnus and Alec?" 

"Thought we could use the extra space... that is if you want it?" I said, smiling hopefully and I watched the adoration in his face grow as the door revealed the happiness behind it. The bottom floor was completely open plan and the stunning black carpet was layed out completely throughout every room, with the exception of the kitchen. The couches were Magnus' personal favourite and could double as beds if necessary. The kitchen had a large island in the center and bar stools along the edge of a breakfast bar. The stairs led up to a glass balcony that looked over the entire lower floor and the bedrooms were all decorated to perfection. I hadn't yet picked out a room for the baby in case Trey stumbled upon it. 

"What do you think?" 

"You want me to move in? Here? Are you sure?" he said with teary eyes and the biggest grin that could light up a thousand streets. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hooked my hands together, "There's never been anything I'm more certain of in my entire life. I love you Trey Crossfire." 

"We haven't talked properly yet, you might decide you don't want me and you might kick me out for good this time and I don't know what I'd do without yo-" I kissed him to cut him off, I let my senses kick in and I felt the missing part of my heart click back into it's rightful place. I absorbed myself into kissing him and I was reluctant to remove my lips, "I love you Trey." 

"I love you too." 

Between touring the house and kissing like there was no tomorrow we spent the entire night in eachother's company and never even considered leaving. We were kissing more and more passionately as I lead him towards our room, "Just us?" 

Trey smirked as he kept his lips flush against my own, I felt his words as if I were speaking them myself and I held him so close there was no space between us, he looked deep into my blue eyes and I felt myself melting under his stare. "Forever and always Jordyn Lightwood." 

"I wouldn't have it any other way." and with that we slammed the room door shut and spent the rest of the very long night in eachother's arms. 


"I could get used to this." I said as Trey brought in a Trey of food and placed it on the bedside table. "Only the best for you." he replied and I couldn't wipe the smile from my face. I knew it wouldn't last when I noticed his expression.

"How about that talk? I don't want to wait, I can't risk screwing things up more." he asked and I could already feel my momentary happiness collapsing. He seemed to notice. 

"There's nothing I really want to say, I forgive you." I said honestly, I had forgiven him a long time ago. "There was never anything to forgive. You were upset that my emotions towards Dawson were clouding my judgement, and you were worried that me being around you would only hurt me more. I'm right aren't I?" 

"How do you seem to know me better than I know myself? I still don't understand why I was in anyway jealous of your best friend, and as far as causing you pain I decided to be selfish. Because there's not a world I can imagine for myself where you're not in it. But I am sorry, I should've never left." 

"No. You shouldn't. But I know, from the experience of running away from problems my entire life, I know that you thought you were doing the right thing. And at least by going to Texas you could help your family." 

"It was good seeing them again I have to admit, made me think about... things.." he said, trailing off his words as if his mind was telling him not to say anything at all.

"What things?" I asked teasingly, he saw my hesitant laughter and lightly punched my shoulder, "Stop teasing me J, you know what I mean." 

"No, I don't." I said, smiling at his nervous tone. 

"Like.. you know.. having our own family. Sabine told me before I left to make sure I kept you safe, that our family would need you and it got me thinking. About how amazing of a mom you'd be." 

"You don't know that." I say, my cheeks reddening. 

"I do." he said bluntly, "You'd be the best mother to any of our future children, and I would be a better father with you by my side." 

This was it, I needed to tell him... there was nothing to stop me anymore. He was here, he wasn't leaving me, and he was going to be a dad. 

"Trey I do need to telling you something..."

Uncovered - A Shadowhunters FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang