thirty-three !

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It was fifteen minutes to seven and Everly's heart was racing. As she made her way to her and Zach's place, she felt herself growing steadily anxious. Her knees felt like jello, and she wiped her hands on her jeans, butterflies fluttering nervously around in her stomach.

She didn't know why she was so anxious. Maybe it was the prospect of talking to him alone again after that fight, in the place that was close to his heart. Maybe it was because she was about to apologise to him after everything. Maybe it was because he wanted to meet her and tell her something private. What could it be? A hopeful possibility flitted into her mind, and she shook it away as quickly as it had come. Surely that would be too much to hope for.

She took a deep breath as she entered the gap in between the structure of large stones and started crawling. This time, the journey didn't take too long and it didn't bother her like it did the last time she came here. She was too absorbed in her own thoughts about Zach. Her heart was beating so fast and so hard, that she thought she could almost hear her heartbeat echoing throughout the stone walls.

She tumbled out of the tunnel and got to her feet. It took way less time than before, mostly because she was so eager to see him. She dusted off her clothes and started walking. She noticed that her fingers were trembling slightly and cold sweat beaded her hairline. Gosh, why was she so nervous? Maybe because of your huge freaking crush on him, a voice in her brain replied.

She exhaled quietly. She made her way past a group of lush green bushes and her favourite patch of tulips. She recognised them and she knew she was drawing closer to the lake where she and Zach had last sat near.

She made her way closer and closer, her sneakers barely making any noise against the damp grass. She could see the glimmer of the lake by now. She heard a rustle of movement near it and her heart pounded. This was it.

She took one big step forward and froze in her tracks. She had expected to see Zach, sitting there and waiting for her, maybe even with a big smile on his face.

She was so wrong.

Sitting on the bench was Zach. His eyes were fluttered shut. And sitting on top of him, with her lips pressed against his and her hand tugging at his hair, was Lavender.


BITCH WE GOT SOME DRAMA GOIN ON? also, this book is ending soon and im so freaking shook about it.


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