nine !

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Everly lay sprawled on her bed, quietly crying her eyes out into a pillow. Her shoulders were shaking and she was huddled under her blankets trying to keep her sobs quiet.

She wasn't even crying because of what Zach had said to her earlier. She actually didn't care at all. Well, maybe a little, but not in the way everyone would expect.

What Zach said, just brought back bad memories of...him.

You're a good for nothing bitch, you can't even do anything right!

You're so fucking fat and ugly, no one cares about you!

You think you're so smart and amazing, don't you? Well guess what, bitch. No one gives a care in the world about you. What you say doesn't matter, because no one gives a shit about you.

Everly buried her head farther into the pillow, tears streaming full force down her face. She was well aware that she was suffocating under the weight and the heat of her pillows and blankets, but she didn't care. Maybe if she did it enough, the pain would go away. Everything was too much. The pain, the memories, and the noise happening outside.

The fight going on outside was worse than anything that had ever happened before. There was the sound of slamming and smashing of objects in the bedroom and the screaming and yelling was unbearable.

Everly couldn't take it anymore. Everything was too much for her. All she wanted was to escape. So she pulled out her phone. She needed to talk to someone.

@notofflinee: hi everly. how's it going?

@panicatthebookstore: oh, it's going.

@notofflinee: what happened?

@panicatthebookstore: i can't do this anymore, ty. everything hurts and it's all so overwhelming. i don't know what to do i can't stop crying and im just a mess and ugh

@notofflinee: ok, breathe. what happened to make you feel like this

@panicatthebookstore: idk i had to meet with this boy earlier and he started screaming at me and then it just

@panicatthebookstore: i got flashbacks from stuff that happened in the past. and my parents are having the worst fight and i think im having a panic attack

@notofflinee: just focus on breathing ok? just breathe in and out really slowly and try ur best to calm down. it's fine. im here.

@notofflinee: it'll be okay. I'm here you can talk to me. breathe. you'll be fine

@notofflinee: who the hell is this boy? i swear to god i will travel there to knock him out

@panicatthebookstore: hahaha no you won't. and he's just a dumbass boy from my science class. it's nothing.

@notofflinee: heLLO?? you had a panic attack because of that guy. ofc its a big deal

@panicatthebookstore: nah dude i swear it's fine. i was just not feeling well today is all.

@notofflinee: whatever you say ig... but seriously. if you have any worries you can just text me.

@panicatthebookstore: yes, ty. thank you (:

@notofflinee: and if anyone decides to hurt u I'm gonna fucking hunt them down and fight them

@panicatthebookstore: hahaha i appreciate that tyler, but don't do that lmao

@notofflinee: whatever you sayyyyy

@panicatthebookstore: i have to go now but, thanks for helping and listening to me. i really appreciate it (:

@notofflinee: anything for you everly.

Everly shut her phone off and slid it under her pillow. She lay down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Her breathing had slowed and she had calmed down.

For some reason, she felt safe with Tyler. Even Ariana and Isabel didn't make her feel this kind of way. She felt like she could talk to him about anything. Ariana and Isabel were amazing but for some reason, Everly was scared to talk to them about certain things. Like her parents, and her anxiety and all of her problems.

But Tyler. He just got her. Maybe it was because he was experiencing the same thing as Everly. Either way, she liked him. She just felt comfortable around him, like she could talk to him about anything.

And then she drifted off, thoughts of Tyler flitting around in her mind.

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