Into x the x Void

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(A/N) Pic is your outfit brought to you by yours truly~ (sorrynotsorry if you don't like it). WARNING This story will more than likely break all of the unspoken rules when entering a different dimension. Also, the main character fucks up on multiple occasions, like saying characters' names when she really shouldn't. Also spoilers? This is a fanfiction where Y/N knows what's going to happen before it happens. Happy reading fellow HxH fans!

Chapter One- Into x the x Void

( Y/N's P. O. V )

I was walking around the Soul Society reading my HxH manga, that I got from the world of the living, when the Captain of the 11th Division, Kenpachi Zaraki, appeared in front of me.

 "I challenge you to a dual, Lieutenant (L/N)!" Kenpachi challenged me with a wide smile. 

Letting out a sigh I make eye contact with his one visible green eye. " Sorry Captain Zaraki, but I have a meeting with the Head Captain. Maybe next time." With that, I pass the fighting loving man.

Kenpachi let out a chuckle and flares his spiritual pressure, "I'll be waiting, (L/N)."

I shake my head and flash step to the Head Captains' office.

"Ah, just in time, Lieutenant (L/N)." Genryusai greets with closed eyes.

I bow, "Hello Head Captain. What is this meeting about?"

"Yes, yes, about that. This is a top-secret mission that you will either survive or die from. This is nothing like other missions you or any other shinigami has taken on before. This is a rare case." Genryusai rambles getting up from his seat.

"What type of 'rare case' are we talking about?" I ask feeling excitement and wonder.

"Ah, miss (L/N). It has been centuries since a Hollow has made a gap, no a black hole into this world that leads to a different dimension."

"Different dimensions? Like the gate that leads to Hell?"

"No, I'm afraid this black hole leads to a far more unknown place. We do not know if it is a threat to us. I have already sent in a group before you, but we lost contact with them 14 hours ago." Genryusai let out a sigh. "We need someone with high skill and high spiritual pressure, someone like you. Will you be willing to look into this case?"

A large grin appears on my face. " Head Captain, sir, I am more than willing to enter this black hole that will possibly lead to my death," Note my enthusiastic sarcasm, " I'm always up for an adventure, I won't let you down!" I bow enthusiastically.

"Follow me." Genryusai stands up and flashes steps to Research and Development.

After walking down a long row of stairs we appear in a dark room. Everything in the room is an eerie purple besides a very obvious out of place black orb in the middle of the room. A few other people are in the room. Wires seem to be connected to the mysterious black orb. 


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