"Pidggggeee!" Lance waved his hand in front of her face. She flinched when she saw his hand. She's been like that the whole time she's been with the group. "Oh, sorry." He quickly said after noticing her distress.

"Anyway, we had just asked you how you and that Tyler lad were going." Coran placed down a plate full of food in front of her.


"I uh- um h-he's doing fine. I mean we-we're doing fine!" She whispered. She wasn't used to talking this much in along time, no one really wanted to hear her voice at all during work.

"Is there something wrong number 5?" Coran frowned. "You haven't touched any of your food!"

She glanced back at the plate full of food she'd usually eat, but ever since Tyler told her it made her look fat she had stopped. "I-I'm on a diet with-with." Why couldn't she say his name? It had felt like she had never said it before.

"With?" Shiro questioned.

"Wi-with, with." Her voice started cracking and she was on the verge of crying. She closed her eyes, frustrated with herself for not being capable of saying his name cause if she did then it would be real.

"Pidge, is there something wrong?" Lance placed his hand on her back, but instead of Pidge's usual response, she froze.

"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have, it was an accident!" She cried. Lance took his hand away and looked back at the others.

"What's happening?" He looked worried.

"Maybe she's reliving a nightmare or something." Hunk looked at Shiro.

"That's possible, but when did this happen?" He answered. Shiro was going to speak again, but then Pidge had resumed talking.

"It's pretty, but I. I don't want to." Pidge started hugging her shoulders. "I'm sorry. I'll make it up I swear. I'll do anything! Just don't." She paused. "Please don't do it." She started sobbing. "Please. Ty-." She stopped.

Suddenly, a phone started ringing. It was Pidge's, she recognized it.

She shot up from her chair and answered it. The other paladins were more than just confused now.

"Hello? This is Kat-." She didn't get to finish because whoever was on the other side of the phone cut her off. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left. I'm coming now."

Now that the group noticed it, Pidge was definitely skinner than before and her eyes, they were filled with fear at the moment.

"I- I'm sorry, but I have to go back home. Something came up." Katie grabbed her jacket and tried to take her leave, but Lance stopped her by grabbing her wrist. She winced in pain, screwing her eyes shut until he let go.

"I'm sorry Pidge, but I don't think it's best for you to go home now." Shiro stood up from his chair.

"Please. I'd like to go home now." Just as Shiro suspected, Pidge isn't herself anymore.

"Sit back down, and think about it for awhile."

"But I can't. He's waiting for me and he- he'll get worried soon."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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