Number Two [2]

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The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn [1967]

Everything about TPATGOD is great. From sound quality, all the way to songwriting, all of it is just rich and succulent, and i just want to bask in it all day long. Nothing about this album is down to earth, and nothing about this album makes any humanly sense.
But are we just going to stand here and act like this isn't the best album of the mid-to-late 60s? NO!!!

This is by FAR the best of early Pink Floyd, To put that in perspective, Pre-Meddle.

TPATGOD doesn't just raise the bar for Psychedelic masterpieces, it is the bar. No other psychedelic album can accomplish what TPATGOD did in the 60s.

Astronomy Domine opens up the album with, you guessed it, the most psychedelically awesome album opener in history.
    Lucifer Sam, which covers many topics like: Syd's ex girlfriend, cats, a rumored reference to unsinkable Sam, a cat that survived 3 ships that sinked during WWII, and a reference to the different sides of the human brain.

What I absolutely love about this album is its level of mysteriousness. When you first hear it, it sounds happy, carefree, and in other words, very youthful.
    But listening and taking a deeper look at the music, you can see the loneliness of Syd and even thought he is quite self-aware about what is happening to him, Syd still continues to abuse himself and his addiction. Pushing himself and his sanity to the point of no return.

Great Album. Great Music. Great Lyrical Content. Syd Barrett Is The Best. This album deserves nothing less of a
Strong 10.

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