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Namjoon sat by himself outside near a tree. The cold crispy air tickled his exposed skin. He loved the cold, it would somehow relax him. His beanie kept his ears warm as his scarf kept his lips hidden from the cold. Thunder suddenly clashed above him and knew what was to come. He let out an annoyed sigh and got up. 'Go deeper into the woods until you are alone' His father's voice boomed inside his mind.

He followed his orders without thinking twice and soon found himself isolated from everything. A bright light appeared in front of him and soon followed the figure of his father. He instantly bowed, "My God". Zeus waved him off, waiting for Namjoon to look at him. When Joon stared at his father's eyes, he knew he was going to go back late.

"I am very disappointed in you Namjoon. What was the task assigned to your cousins and you when we told you were to come here?" Namjoon wanted to look down, but he had learned from his last punishment to never let his eyes wander. "To train the students to get them ready for any future wars." His father made a sign of agreement and then closed his eyes.

"So explain why have you let your cousins develop feelings for someone else? Why have you let your feelings get out of hand? You know better than to fall in love, so please do tell." Namjoon wanted to tell him that he couldn't explain. That no one could explain anything because it was all up to fate.

"Speak boy! Tell me now! Why have you fallen for such a worthless whore! I will destroy him if it is necessary to keep you focused." Joon could feel his eyes shift color from the disrespect Jin was receiving. He was fine with his father talking crap about him but didn't like it when it was being directed towards Jin.

"Please do not call him that. You shall not even raise a finger at him." Joon said in a calm tone, trying to stay under control. Zeus let out a humorless laugh as his eyes shown a bright yellow color. "Who are you to tell what and what not to do? I am superior to you!" Zeus lifted his hand and smacked Joon across the face. Namjoon could feel the strong impact flow through his body as he fell to the ground.

"You are such a good boy. Are you really going to throw everything you have worked for over that pathetic boy?" Namjoon got up and stared at his father. His bright purple eyes glared right at his target. "He is not pathetic! I love him because he is stronger than someone like you. He has been used by everyone just because of his looks. You will never understand because everyone fears you and will never think of hurting you. But if I ever find out that you touched him, you better watch out because I will be your worst enemy."

Zeus gripped Namjoon's face in his rough hands, "I'd love to see you try and bring me down. You are nothing compared to me." He let go and gave him a blow to his face while gripping his hair and delivering as many hits to his body. Blood slowly trickled down the side of his mouth and out of his nose. "I'll let you keep that stupid academy, after all, I have the real men. You all are just amateurs. I'll be waiting for you."

Just as the bright light had appeared, it disappeared as well, leaving Namjoon sitting on the ground trying to get over the pain he was feeling. It's going to be alright, right? Namjoon slowly laid his weight on the closest tree and made his way to the academy. When he was near the entrance, he could no longer bear the pain and felt himself fall to the grass.

He heard people yelling. He tried to keep his eyes open, but he couldn't. He just wanted to rest for now.

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