Part Dos

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Yoongi narrowed his eyes towards Jimin as he straightened up. "Why were you ready to attack? Everyone is friends here." Jimin asked as he tilted his head to the side in confusion. Yoongi rolled his eyes at Jimin's statement. "Friends my ass. Not everyone is your friend. They are fake people that use you for their pleasure." Jimin smile flattered and looked at his small hands, "I think you are wrong." Yoongi decided to ignore him and went to lay back down.

Not a few minutes late, Jimin had decided to sit beside him. "What do you want? Why won't you leave me alone?" Yoongi was slowly getting irritated because he just wanted to be by himself. "I said you were wrong about friends being fake." Yoongi sat up and moved his black hair out of his eyes. "I heard you loud and clear sunshine." Jimin would have been a blushing mess if anyone had called him a pet name, but when Yoongi said it, it seemed so dry and monotone that it could be considered as an insult.

Yoongi let out an annoyed sigh and stared back at Jimin, "I never said that all friends are fake. I just said that some are, more like most are. Usually, friends come to be because of one's self-interest. Like somebody may feel lonely so they go and make friends so they don't have to feel that way." Jimin looked off to the side not wanting to admit that it did make sense. Both of them stayed silent not knowing what to say. Yoongi would've been annoyed by now; however, he felt at ease.

Jimin's phone vibrated and got up, "Uh Yoongi? Jin wants to see all of us in the auditorium. He says he has to introduce you to the rest of the students." Yoongi rubbed his eyes not wanting to be anywhere near people. He looked at Jimin and decided to not give him hell and just follow the poor guy. When both of them returned to Namjoon and Jungkook, both of the cousins looked shocked. It would usually take a few tries to force Yoongi to go anywhere where people are involved.

Jimin left when his job was done leaving the cousins to themselves. "This is fucking stupid, I don't understand why Jin has to do this." Namjoon looked down at Yoongi, silently telling him to shut up. Jungkook looked around and saw the huge amount of students while the sense of worry started to fill him up. "Do you guys think that Yoongi will be able to keep himself under control?" Yoongi stared at Jungkook and shrugged not really caring. Namjoon sighed and rubbed his temples, "Hopefully he does because if he doesn't then it could affect us too."

"I mean, how do you expect to act around people when I usually spend my time with demons?" Jungkook knew he had a point since the only one to interact with people was Namjoon. Yoongi stayed silent afterward and continued to stare off into the crowd. The other students would walk by and would stare at them, but they would quickly stare somewhere else when they looked at Yoongi. 

Jungkook was getting anxious at the number of people and was trying to find anything to keep himself distracted. Namjoon seemed to notice and gave him a smile of courage. Jungkook gave him a nod and looked at the students. However, his sight was captured by the boy in glasses that would not stop taking pictures of everything around him. Cute. He let out a chuckle and returned his attention to Yoongi when he heard him complain. 

"Just fucking great!" Namjoon was trying to calm down Yoongi since other students wouldn't stop staring. "What is it Yoongi?" He pushed away Namjoon's hand and stepped away. "Firstly, don't touch me. Second, who invited fucking Hoseok?"  Namjoon turned to look over at where Yoongi was glaring and found Hoseok laughing with some other guys. 

"Nothing will happen everythi-" Namjoon was cut off, "Please, that guy lives in the past and won't forget about what happened to his mother." Namjoon was confused on what to do since he didn't want Yoongi getting angry so soon. Thankfully, Jin had gotten up on stage and the audience went silent. Everyone's attention was now on him.

"Please welcome our special guests!"

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