"I am always ready to defend our lands." I said without a slight hesitation and he saw my eyes change from that of an inquisitive young woman to a hardened warrior.

"That I can tell. God speed my child. I must be off." He said.

"Stay safe please." I said again.

          With that he clicked his teeth and Shadowfax took off while I turned Sunset around and we rode back to Rivendell. I did not go to the library that day but made preparations to travel to Lorien. I needed to speak with my aunt at length and I knew Haldir would be willing to train. I had to sharpen my fighting skills until not only could I beat all of the elves in Lorien but make sure that whatever battle Gandalf had spoken of, I was more than prepared. Lorien was also the best place to get a sword sharpened so it could cut a piece of hair on the fly and Altherial could use that treatment. She was already sharp but I did not want to take any chances.

          I packed my things the following morning and left my wing and walked toward the stables lost in thought and nearly bumped into my uncle. I told him I was on my way to Lorien which he said would do me good instead of being cooped up in that library for days and weeks on end. I hugged him goodbye and lost in thought mounted Sunset as I rode out of Rivendell after which I galloped off at top speed toward Lorien. My thoughts were all over the place; the sudden disappearance of Legolas, the things I had learned while doing research in the library, and the conversation with Gandalf. The latter had me the most curious and the most nervous. I had to speak with my aunt and fast.

          Riding up through the forest that led to the gates of Lorien, Sunset and I reached the location of where the caretakers were ready to take him from me. Lorien was as stunning as ever. Both locations that I called home were beautiful almost celestial places but for very different reasons. When you were in Lorien, even though you were living amongst trees; you felt like you were up high above in the stars. I walked slowly through the different paths and alleyways to drop off my things in my living quarters that though were not the same size as what I lived in in Rivendell were still "fit for a princess".

          Trying to locate my aunt and her husband Celeborn proved to be a little more difficult as she was in a meeting and I hated to disturb her. So while I waited for her to finish, I took Altherial and my daggers to the blacksmith who set upon making my sword the sharpest in the land. The elder elf did not ask questions but just did as he was asked. I also requested throwing stars. Those were not common in our lands either but in Lorien they knew by now that my weapons were anything but common. I was told it would take several hours to prepare everything which was perfect. That gave me ample time to rest and then speak with my aunt.

          I had just returned from my quarters after resting for a half hour to find Haldir waiting for me at the bottom of the circular staircase that led to aunt Galadriel and Celeborn's thrones. I knew if I was going to find my aunt anywhere it would be there. Upon seeing him, I broke out into a smile as I had not seen him in a long time and we hugged. He held me close and for a long time until I let go. He was smiling too.

"That was the longest hug you have ever given me." I said teasingly.

"I have missed you is all. It has been a long time since you have come." He said shrugging a bit.

"I have been busy." I said nonchalantly.

"Doing what?" He asked curiously.

"Oh nothing for you to worry about." I said not going into specifics. Before he could say anything else, I asked:

"Is my aunt free?" He nodded.

"Yes her meeting concluded a little while ago." He answered.

"Oh good. Now I can talk to her. Be back in a bit and then we can catch up." I said and rushed up the stairs before he could ask to come with.

Only Time حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن