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This story starts as all great high school stories do - in detention.

I rub my bleary eyes - courtesy of the brand new baby - as I stand outside the door. Detention on my first day back - just great. Another thing for Mother to lecture about apart from You Do Not Apply Yourself To Your Studies Enough, or, You Could Help Out Around The House A Bit More, or Why Can't You Just Get Along With Grant, regardless of the fact that I - Have always been an average student, clean up after the kids all the damn time, and I don't hate Grant, it just irritates me that they had to have a baby in the middle of the mess that is my home - a monster baby who won't sleep and won't limit its terrorism to the two people who made it.

Thank God I'm going to be away from that craziness for a while. Edgewood is a boarding school.Therefore, Grant had to drive me down for several hours on end.That would have been prime time to catch up on my sleep, except I cannot sleep in a moving vehicle.

Hopefully, when I get home in a few months, the baby will be nice and quiet.

A pointed cough penetrates my thoughts.

I turn around and find myself staring into the cold eyes of Her Majesty, The World Renown Queen of all Bitches, Zaire Edgewood.

"Might I appeal to your stolid mind to step aside so I can pass?"

So civilly uncivil.

Oh, but I know how to handle this girl. I smile innocently.

"My stolid mind was only mulling over the possibility that your enlarged derriere may not fit the door frame."

I sweep into the room, satisfied with the image of her shocked face.

I'm in for a bit of a shock myself as I find myself staring at the face under trademark thick, dark hair that is at the moment in a messy bun. I have studied those waves, seen them bounce and bob as she struts in the hallway.

I'm staring into the vibrant green eyes of the Queen Bee of Edgewood High, Winona Winters.

Zaire Edgewood might be the queen bitch, but her position is inferior to Winona. Zaire's position is more of a reputation, garnered by cutting comments and rude behavior, but Winona is the one with all the social power. Weirdly, she is sweet as can be.

More weirdly, I think as I slip into a seat on the second row, far away from her, is that she is talking to Helena Duran. They're not just talking, I decide after a quick glance, they're chatting . Laughing and tittering like best friends.

Wonders shall never end. Helena Duran is a total loner. She's got her fellow Goth girls, yeah. But not many friends apart from them.

The contrast between them is startling. Helena with her piercings, and bad dark dye job, and Winona with her tan, healthy skin, cheer outfit and bouncy - well, everything - perfect grades, perfect boyfriend, perfect life-

"Hey, Kayla!" I turn around. It's Helena who called me. I turn and see Winona beside her, smiling a bit.

"Come sit with us," she says.

I am momentarily stupefied. Queen Bee say what?

"Come on," she urges, as if knowing that I need to be reassured.

I'm half rising when a cynical voice, coming from the far left of the classroom says, "Oh, come on. You know you want to. You've been staring at them with puppy dog eyes since you got in here."

God, give me patience.

I'm not going to dignify her comment with a reply. I grab my backpack and make my way to them, weaving across the seats until I claim mine beside Winona.

It seems like the other girls are doing the same thing. Helena is rolling her eyes and Winona mouths "Ignore her" to me.

I give her a smile. I've been dealing with bitches since way back when.

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