Chapter 3: Battle with a Bullrush

Start from the beginning

Beruka let out a cry of raw mirth, causing the bullrush to recoil in fear. As Peter slowly pulled himself up the bank, she announced, "Behold! The great mage that will defend us, on this, the day of our battle!"

"Shut up," Peter muttered, pushing past her, his face burning red.

They carried on, Beruka still chuckling, until she broke the silence, "So how does it work then? Your magic?"

Peter grabbed a handful of his cloak, wringing it out, then held up his palm to show her. "My hands produces a liquid, kind of like soap, that escapes from the pores in my palms."

Beruka took his arm and ran a finger down his palm, wetting herself with the soapy film. "Gross."

Peter yanked his arm back. Holding it out, a small bubble began to grow. "The liquid takes in air at my direction. As well as lets it back out." The bubble shrunk back into nothing.

"Neat. So that's how you shoot it?"

Peter nodded. "Yeah, I can control the direction of airflow. As well as the size, thickness, and buoyancy of the bubbles I form.. provided I get the math right." He said, once again, wringing out his cloak.

"Must be handy to do magic." Beruka pondered.

"Technically, it's not magic." Peter explained. "Magic is just what made me this way."

"What's the difference?" Beruka asked casually.

"It's not magic when a lava eel spews fire or a polar bear dons its coat of snow. That's just the way they are. And this is just the way I am."

"Enh. Tomatoes and oranges will both keep you fed." She said indifferently.

The two pushed past some low hanging branches to finally reach camp. The rising sun illuminated the tents littered about the small clearing as the men were waking up to start the day. Four plough horses, all that they could gather, stood tethered to a stake in the ground next to a solitary wooden caravan. A small campfire burned at the centre with five men huddled around it. The leader of the small militia stood in front of the mess tent, pouring water over his face, droplets falling from his scraggly beard.

"RUKA!" A small figure shot towards them with blinding speed. Beruka just managed to drop the cage in time to grab Fi and launch her into the air. Fi soared straight up, clearing the height of the trees. Then fell back down into Beruka's arms. Both giggling, Beruka gave Fi a big hug and twirled her around before setting her down again.

"What happened to you?" Fi turned her attention to Peter, forming a small puddle where he stood.

"You should've seen it Fi. The bullrush escaped from the cage and Peter heroically jumped into the river and snatched it up with his bare hands!" Beruka exclaimed dramatically.

Fi blinked, unconvinced. "That doesn't sound like-"

"Shut up." Peter muttered and went to sit with the others by the fire.

Beruka and Fi had become fast friends. Peter had feared that with the added company, Fi would be forced to wear her hood up the whole way; an argument that would have tested the boundaries of their friendship. However, having been present in the cabin at the time, Beruka had her suspicions and unhooded Fi herself the moment they met. She instantly fell in love with Fi's "adorably cute" ears and upon meeting up with the militia, made it perfectly clear that Fi was their superior and she would not stand for any actions or remarks against her.

"So this is a bullrush, hunh?" Fi crouched down to stare at the trapped creature. The bullrush stared back with its large red eyes. It had fins along its spine, ending in a stubby tail that seemed to constantly shift its angle. Its vibrant green body was cartoonishly round with stumpy little legs that barely reached the floor. Fi thought that if she pierced it, it just might pop.

The Many Adventures of Peter and Fi Volume I: HomecomingWhere stories live. Discover now