Author's Note

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Dear All,

I have been away for a very long time. I started this story in 2015 while I was experiencing some very rough times. Things did get better for a while and I lost touch with my creative side. 

Now I am back, not because I am struggling but because I finally came to the conclusion that I love day dreaming. This story was the result of my obsession with mob romances when I was in school and I decided to write one of my own featuring sub plots I would love to read more about.

As I mentioned, I started this story in school. While I had an intriguing idea to explore, I wasn't very adept at translating those abstract thoughts into words. Reading back on my first few chapters, I find that not only was I bad at cohesively forming sentences, but I was also insensitive and judgmental towards certain aspects of my country and culture. I have gone back and started a major edit of this novel while continuing to churn out more chapters. The story line has  been amended a lot. Please go re-read it once again.

Going forward, I hope you all do enjoy my story.  Please continue to Vote and Comment. But mostly, I hope my story provides you with just a little bit of excitement in our otherwise mundane lives. 

Thank you and God bless!


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