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Steve loomed through all of his drawers in his nightstand. There was a drawer of keepsakes, his army dog tags replica, Polaroids of him with the team, his leather gloves, little things like that. There was also a drawer of his necessities, hand sanitizer, bandaids, chapstick, ibuprofen, and tissues.

He figured that one day he'd clean out the drawers and find new stuff and filter out the junk. But today he wasn't going to. There was just one thing he was looking for.

He moved to his backpack and dug through the contents. Finally, he found his sketchbook and the Captain America pencil case that Peter's friend Ned had brought him one day. Gripping them tight, he walked to the hallway.

Walking to the elevator, he looked to his left at the pictures framed on the wall outside his room. Peter and Tony at a museum. Himself, Wanda, Natasha, and Thor playing with Clint's kids. Sam and Bucky playing with Steve's shield.

Steve smiled at all the memories. It had been awhile since he spent time with everyone. He had spent a lot of time on missions with the team. It wasn't the same as the quality time he desperately wanted to put in.

He continued to the elevator, where he went to the level below the lobby, -1 on the buttons. He entered the training area where everyone was and he casually waved as he passed.

Peter and Ned were by the weight lifting, where Peter was lifting and Ned was asking questions ("So does it still take a lot of effort? Could you beat the Hulk in an arm wrestle?") Steve approached them and Peter immediately put the barbells up and sat up.

"Captain America is using the pencil case I gave him," Ned whispered loudly.

"Hey Steve," Peter said "Feeling better?"

"I think the hot shower killed my cold," Steve told him.

"Good to hear," Peter said, beginning to lift again "I didn't know you could still get sick."

"I can. I just fight it off really quickly," Steve answered.

Steve looked around to see what was going on around him. Pietro was watching Wanda lift weights with her magic while he listened to "Better Now" by Post Malone. Sam and Bucky were singing Rihanna's "Umbrella" loudly to Peter's annoyance. They picked on Peter a bit in the best way. Everyone in the training room was working on something different.

One activity caught Steve's attention as he scanned the area for a place to sit. There was a girl on a bench with her own sketchbook. She was intently staring at Tony and Bruce, who were trying to build a device capable (or worthy) of wielding Mjolnir. Thor was watching as they yelled ideas at each other.

After a moment of staring, she began to sketch, using a navy blue pencil with some gold writing on the side. Steve knew it was a nice pencil from the moment he saw it, so he walked over.

He sat down next to the girl and she immediatelt looked over at him.

"Why are you sitting here?" She asked.

"I could ask you the same, you're not an Avenger," Steve replied.

"I have access," she assured him "Tony Stark granted it himself." Steve could tell the girl was proud.

"Wow, that's great!" Steve said.

"I'm MJ, a friend of Peter and Ned," she said, reaching a hand out for Steve to shake. Steve shook it.

"Steve Rogers," he offered. MJ smiled.

"You sketch?" she asked.

"Yeah. Nothing specifically," he said.

"Can I see?"

"I mean, uh, sure?" MJ took Steve's sketchbook and flipped through it.

"That looks like Sgt. Barnes and the witch," she said. 

"Yeah, I drew that during a movie night. Wanda showed Bucky Pocahontas,"

"Neat, wanna see mine?"

"Sure," Steve flipped through MJ's book. It was mostly Peter and Ned, but a few recent sketches of Pepper. The half-finished Tony and Bruce was amazing. She had really captured everything. The first sketch of the book was of Steve himself.

A hand-written note at the bottom said: "Steve Rogers, by Michelle Jones". All of the ones of Pepper featured Tony doing something dumb. Every sketch was eerily life-like.

"This is amazing, MJ," Steve told her.

"I draw people in crisis," she proudly told him "I could barely find a stockphoto of you in crisis". Steve snorted.

"Guess the fangirl only want the good ones," Steve joked. MJ looked at him dead serious.

"They will take anything," she assured him. Steve laughed. After several moments of sharing tips, Steve spoke.

"MJ, would you like to sketch with me more often?" he asked.

"Of course!" MJ said, smiling.


I was thinking and the idea of Steve and MJ sketching together was too good to not do.

Hope you like this! Let me know if you have thoughts/suggestions/ideas !!


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