'I want to break up with you.' She blurted out. Immediately she covered her mouth with her hands. Shocking of what she just said. Joe's face turned upside down. He looked like Rose just killed a sheep right in front of him.

'I didn't mean to say it like that. It's just...I know you're clumsy, but you're clumsy in a way where I need self-defense. You're pushing me into things we didn't even discussed and I know there are a lot of awkward things to talk about, but I really do think we should talk about those things. I don't feel that I can tell you everything what I want to tell you and I think that I don't fully trust you. Also, you're extremely often very drunk and that's not like me. 'Cause when you're drunk you tell me things and you do things you wouldn't do if you were sober and in that I conclude you don't trust me that much either. I do wanted to make us work either, but not anymore. I'm sorry.' And there it was. The truth. In more words Rose wanted to say it, but she hoped he'd understand.

'Rose...you have a habit of making things more complicated then how they really are.'

'Yeah, because of the fact I'm a girl.' Rose laughed softy at this, but her smile disappeared when he looked really angry.

'It's not that fool, is it?'

'What do you mean?'

'If you break up with me, because of Ferret Malfoy, then I promise you, you will regret this.'

'Joe, I'm a strong, independent girl who's old enough to make decisions like this on my own. You look like my father when you say such things. And I thought you were different than just thinking that I'm that cute and tiny little Rosieposie. Well let me tell you: I'm not. So get over it. I dump you, because I don't want to have a boyfriend who force me to have sex with me when he's drunk!'

'Go Rose!' A few people called out. Of course. They were in the library, so the minute Joe began to speak louder, Rose was speaking louder with him. Right now almost the whole school was aware of what happened. Before Rose dated Joe, she knew stories about him. She only saw his clumsiness, which was cute at the time, but way to underestimated when they became a couple. All those girls around her, supported her. Well, the biggest support was her cousin Lily, who was almost the leader of that group. Rose grinned in herself. She could leave her family alone and being surrounded by books and her thoughts, but her family would never leave her alone, especially in nasty situations (which happened like all the time in her family. Most of the times Rose had a nasty situation with Malfoy, but she wasn't the one  with the most kind of these situations ever. James and Fred - and maybe Louis nowadays too - were some pretty kind of man-whores who loved to flirt and kiss, but always leave the girl some days later, had some really good conversations with those girls - which most of the time contained a girl who was crying really hard her heart out and them, who just looked at the girls and said a remark from time to time).

'Of course, I almost forget to add that you threatened me - in front of everyone, so don't deny it - so give me one good reason to actually let me believe that you weren't that bad.'

'I'm that bad, you mean? Like really bad? Merlin, Rose, look at yourself. You're a bookworm, you look like a bookworm, you don't use anything to make you look like something. Do you ever think someone will come to you and really love you like that? I was doing you a favor by dating you. I introduced you to the world of girls who are taken. I even went that far to give you your very best first time and if you weren't that disgusting as you are, I wouldn't be drunk, but you obviously felt for the charms of Prince Charming. Well, I will tell you something. If even I despise you, what make you think he won't?' There came some "booh's" and "GO JOE" from their little public, but Rose didn't feel that happy anymore. The way she'd looked at the crowd was giving her a boost from doing something she wouldn't if they were alone. He just used the crowd with facts he knew he would humiliate her. Yes, it was true, she never used make-up or even looked at herself in the mirror. Why would she? The only thing she needed in life were her brains, not her good looks. With just "looking good" she wouldn't help anybody. Rose looked at the persons who cried "GO JOE!". Malfoy was standing with a small group and some girls had say the same. Joe wasn't that popular as Malfoy, but surely he was someone. He was only someone because he drunk way too much and he was way more clumsy and cute then. And yes, there are actually a lot of girls who fall for that.

'Come Rose.' She heard her cousin saying.

'Lily, you don't have to do this.'

'Of course I have to, silly! If you ever will be able to lay down your books you'll discover that we're an awesome pack of cousins!' Rose smiled and admitted that she was right.

'So what are we going to do?'

'Giving you a make-over of course! That way Joe will be regretting he dumped you like this and nobody will ever think of you like the nerd-Rose again! A bookworm is fine, studying too, but you have to live, sweetheart!' Rose laughed and when they were in their common room and Lily took her to her dormitory, Rose looked quite nervous in the mirror. There was something she always wanted, but it was the thing that she was most afraid to do.

'Lily, a real make-over you mean?'

'A real make-over. Let's start with your hair. What do you want with that?' Rose breathed in and out. Okay. She was ready. She was really going to do it.

'Short.' She answered. 'Really short.'

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