Sweet Dreams

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It was 3am on a cold wintery night. You lay shivering in your bed, your expression was one of concern. Your brows were furrowed into a frown and your eyes were screwed shut. Nervous and murmured words passed your lips as you tossed and turned in the sheets. You were having a nightmare and a bad one at that.

Tom meanwhile was in the other room. He had been sleeping fine, if lightly, when he had been awoken by your disruptive noise. He sat up suddenly, concerned by your uneasiness. Within moments he was in your room. He sat himself gently on the edge of your bed, his hand falling on your shoulder.

"Darling wake up."

He said softly, gently shaking you. You seemed to stir for a few moments before suddenly jolting awake, panting and sweating with fear.

"No! Stay away from me!"

You screamed as you sat up, your eyes wide. Tom was instantly by your side, his arms wrapped around you as he tried to soothe you.

"Shhh. Hush now. It's okay my love. It's okay. Shhh."

He whispered, holding you steady as you gained composure. It took you a few moments to recover and realise none of it was real. You turned to Tom, slightly shaking.


You said quietly, like a frightened child. Tom nodded, moving a strand of hair out of your face and tucking it behind your ear.

"I'm here sweetheart. It's okay. Nothing can hurt you."

He calmed. You smiled weakly as you fell heavily against Tom's chest. Your heart hammered in your chest as you thought back over your nightmare. Over the shadowy figure that had approached you after already killing Tom. It had been awful and one you did not want to fall asleep to again.

You murmured timidly. Tom hushed you again, kissing your forehead sympathetically.

"I'm here. I'm here. It was a nightmare, nothing more."

He told you. He began rocking you gently, as if you were his daughter more than his girlfriend. You smiled, beginning to feel yourself calm to the sound of his breathing and the gentle movements.

"W...would you sing to me?"

You asked quietly, rather embarrassed. Tom chuckled gently, kissing you on her forehead.

"Of course."

He replied. You wrapped your arms around his torso, bring yourself even more so into him than you already had. Meanwhile Tom had began a gentle lullaby, one his mother had sung to him countless times as a child. Soft and soothing words flowed from his lips as he sung to you. You smiled against him, relaxing to the notes that came from him. Minutes passed as he sang you the lullaby. Once finished, Tom lowered his gaze. You were smiling gently. You looked up at him, realising he had quietened.

"Thank you."

You said in a whisper, reaching up and pressing your lips against his. You both shared with a momentary passionate gesture. Tom smiled against your lips.

"Any time my love."

He said, hugging you tight once more. He stood up preparing to go back to his room.

"Please don't leave me alone."

You asked, the images of your nightmare coming back in flashes and terror showing in your eyes. Tom held out his hand, encouraging you to take it.

"I wasn't planning to."

He told you, his fingers folding around yours as you took his hand. You both made the short journey to his bedroom where Tom lay you down gently on the queen sized mattress.

"It was always lonely in here."

He said quietly, laying behind you and wrapping his arms around your lean and curved frame.

"You'll be safe. You can sleep. I won't let anything hurt you. I promise."

He soothed, his words comforting to the mind. You smiled, snuggling down Into the sheets of the new bed.

"I love you."

You mumbled, already drifting off into a new slumber. Tom smiled against your skin, kissing your shoulder gently

"Love you more darling."

He whispered before he too, closed his eyes and drifted off once more.

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