Returning Home - Courtesy of @MischiefMaker26

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Freddie Page was a respectable man. By those who knew him Freddie was a charming and likeable person, fresh from the Air Force to return to the ruin that was London. Walking the streets, Freddie turned his head and saw for his own eyes the devastation this once beautiful city had faced beneath Germany's hand.

Freddie had been lucky. He had returned safely with nothing more than a couple of cuts and bruises. He returned for his lover, Hester Collyer. He returned for his mother and father. He returned to the normality of what had been his previous life which he assumed he would never have again. How he had missed the sound of laughter, the sound of drunken singing and the soft melodious sound of his lover's voice whispering in his ear. In the war he had only the sound of low flying air craft and machine guns which flared red. The war had been too long in anyone's eyes.

Freddie continued to walk down the deserted London streets, hands in his pockets and his scarf wrapped firmly around his neck. Winter's cold was enough to drive anyone away into their homes to sit beside the fire. Tonight however, Freddie had required to make this journey, no matter how badly the cold had gotten to him.

He shortly neared a row of illuminated pubs which lined the darkened street. Straining his ear, Freddie could faintly make out the sound of music floating gently into the night. It was a song he knew well.

Freddie stopped outside the pub and, peering into one of it's window's, he saw the bumbling warmth of couples singing arm in arm.

Among the drunken and happy couples, sat a woman who waited patiently for her lover. She glanced down at her small, gloved hands, her dark hair falling forward like a veil. Laced in her fingers was a cigarette which she brought to her lips every so often.

Taking a breath, Freddie pushed the door to the pub and stepped inside. At once he was engulfed by the warm, hazy atmosphere as he unravelled his scarf from his neck. He removed his coat and hung it over his arm, his curious blue eyes lowered over Hester.

Hester had snubbed out her cigarette and returned to looking at her hands once more. To her right was her and Freddie's friends, quietly murmuring to one another and locked within an affectionate embrace. This only made her yearn for the return of Freddie.


The sound of her name on his lips caused a shiver to trickle slowly down her spine. Looking up, she was instantly greeted by a familiar pair of warm and charismatic blue eyes, their colour like those of the sea.

"Freddie." she breathed after a moment of losing her voice. He leaned closer towards her so his thigh brushed against her own.

"How wonderful you look this evening my darling," Freddie murmured. Hester felt her cheeks warm as she continued to stare into her lover's gaze.

"It has been too long." Hester sighed. Freddie smiled and moved his hand to take hers.

"Let us dance." he said. Silently, Hester rose beside Freddie, weaving through the standing couples to move into a less populated area of the pub. As the doors closed behind them, Freddie turned towards Hester. The song had ended and another now played. Freddie's eyes widened in remembrance. "This song, do you remember it Hester?" Hester nodded.

"It was the song we danced to when we first met." Freddie's expression softened.

"Dance with me." Hester stepped towards Freddie. Freddie encircled her waist, drawing her closer towards him. Hester felt his secure and lowered frame brush lightly against her. She gazed up as Freddie's other hand laced with hers, his head hovering slightly over her ear. Slowly, they moved together as the music played and Hester rested her head against his chest. She felt his heart beating strong against her ear. Slipping his fingers beneath Hester's chin, Freddie raised her face and brushed his lips against along hers, his mouth tracing forgotten kisses before lingering at the corner of her mouth. He tasted of remembrance. She tasted of desire. Hester sighed and Freddie smiled against her lips. Their dancing had slowed and neither of them had realised they had stopped. Hester giggled as Freddie twirled her around. He planted a kiss on her forehead. She gazed up at his perfection and smiled warmly.

"Lets go home."

Please follow @MischiefMaker26 for more like this!

- Z xx

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