Chapter 27: A new problem

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Everything was wrong. And we all knew it. All of us were gathered up in type great hall and from the silenced that echoed throughout it was getting to us. Umbridge was perched high up on her throne watching us. Anger fueled up in me, but i just shook my head. I was not going to give into her.
Though the pain erupting into my hand was unbearable, I wouldn't let her get to me. I just wanted to scream out in agony, but i didnt want to risk it. I had already gotten two marks across my hands, was in the process of getting a third, I didn't need or want a fourth one. Even as the pain crawled up my arm, causing the tears to rain I wouldn't let her get to me. I regretted none of it. Not this pain. Not helping Harry. Not any of it.
Steadying my burning hand against the assignment, or so called assignment on my desk, i glanced up at Umbridge. The grin wide across her pink lips said it all. She was clearly proud of her little gathering her. Especially knowing that one single person had caused it. On single individual that she had it out for since day one it seemed.
Her gaze meant mine and she smiled even more as the pain work its way into my pain. Avoiding her gaze, my eyes locked onto Harry's and I saw his bow soft. Concerned for me. And everyone else, sitting here who had put everything at risk to help him. Tears still leaking Harry mouthed 'I'm sorry' and i shook my head. I smiled barley at him to show him that i was not going to let go. I was with him. I would risk my life to keep him alive if i had to.
I moved my eyes from him to the glaring Umbridge's. As much as i wanted to lash out and cast a curse on her, I couldn't and wouldn't. Not if i wanted to get myself expelled or worse. What worse was i didnt want to find out.
Eyes focusing back on the papers spread across my desk a shudder echoed through the hall. My gaze drifted to harry who was just as curious as i was. Silence then swept up the noise as if it had never happened. Umbridge adjusted herself back into her seat. A louder thundering erupted next. the sound or whatever it was getting closer.
Umbridge sat up from her seat and stepped down from the front area. she then drifted in the alley between the rows of desk. Slowly approaching the main doors. The sound thundered again. this time even louder. All the students then stood up and Harry crept his way to me and slid his hand into mine just as the main hall doors bursted open.
Two red head's zooming in on brooms rushed into the great hall. Fireworks danced from their hands. Raining down on us. Several others joined in in cheering and even Hermonie flashed a wide grin. Rainbows of color's now filled the every changing ceiling of the main hall. Causing me to smile and lean into Harry.
Umbridge furious as ever kept screaming and demanding the Twins to stop. Ron shook his head and i knew what he was thinking. Especially as one of them grabbed an orange box from his coat and threw it straight up into the burst of colors. An orange light exploded out from the box lighting up the room as all of us gasped at creature staring back at all of us. Roaring to life, made of thousands of orange and red lights came a dragon. long and scaly the creature sneaked its way through the light show in the skies and made final eye contact with the lady dressed all in pink.
Umbridge'e eyes gaped and widened at the dragon sizing her up and she, heels in all bolted for the hall doors as the dragon ripped its way through the sky to her. There was no way that she was going to outrun the beast, but she was clearly trying as screams echoed out from her mouth. A chuckle burst out of Ron as well as Harry as the beast charged at her.
As she nearly made it to the doors, the creature zoned in on her and engulfed her. As an orange light encased her, thousands of yellow flickers erupted from the dragon and crawled there way into her wall of hanging rules. Glass shattered instantaneously and the casings fell hard to the ground. Umbridge laying flat on the ground, crying out. Ordering us to stay where we were, but as the students cheered loudly her demands went unnoticed. good.
the twins, cheering with the students, still flickering magic throughout bolted out of the room. The rest of the students followed after them. Racing over Umbridge and leaving her in the dust. Where she belonged. With Harry's grip still in mine i dragged him and the other two out to the front corridor.
Reaching everyone, I couldn't stop myself from cheering as well.
Umbridge would not break me. us.
She nor the ministry would get to us.
We were stronger then them. We had one thing that they did not.
It was nothing to be ashamed of. Hope is what fueled us. what motivated us. Showed us that we were more.
The ministry might not believe or want to believe that 'he' was back, but he was. Harry knew it. Dumbledore knew it. And we all knew it.
And we would fight it. Fight him. Fight against the darkness that was coming. that was here. No matter what the cost. I would fight to protect Harry.
Caught up in the endless cheering I hadn't not felt his grip slid from mine. Within seconds of finally realizing it i found he dropped on the ground. Ron and Hermonie by his side. I instantly dropped to knees and grabbed his hand. His eyes were wide and fear gripped onto him.
"Sirius". he meant my green eyes.
"What about Sirius?" I questioned him, the breath caught in my throat.
Harry gripped onto my arm. His grip tight.
"He's got Sirius".
And just like that. the switch went off.

OH SHIT!! And now begins the more challenging parts to write... oh boy
But ill do it.

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